Example sentences of "[det] [verb] [pron] feel " in BNC.

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1 That made me feel good too .
2 That made me feel a bit of an outsider .
3 That made me feel I must have done something to deserve this .
4 That made me feel sick .
5 That made me feel powerless .
6 That made me feel good , having those words from her .
7 That made me feel a bit better , so I tottered to the top of the hill and stared bleakly around , in the equally bleak daylight .
8 That made me feel sad .
9 Whether that made them feel better , one will never know .
10 That made us feel very proud .
11 It 's choice , and I feel I 'm , I 'm able to choose what does that make me feel ?
12 And how does that make you feel ? ’
13 ‘ Does that make you feel bad ? ’
14 ‘ Does that make you feel any better ? ’
15 ‘ Does that make you feel better , sweetheart ?
16 Does that make you feel safer ? ’
17 This made me feel that Sorrel was still with us , and I 'm sure she was — in Bamba .
18 All this made me feel very much better and I immediately wrote my name up on the wall .
19 This made me feel in later life that I was very unattractive , because I had had so many negative thoughts about my appearance earlier in my life .
20 This made me feel a quite genuine shame and remorse although — it was as if I was torn into two separate parts both rationally and emotionally — I knew that hurt bewilderment was something I should beware of : he was my enemy who would use any art to outwit me if I could .
21 Things like this made him feel his age .
22 Suddenly he was unsure and this made him feel afraid .
23 This made him feel good .
24 The audience , too , was painfully hungry and yet in the presence of food which was not apparently destined for their stomachs ; this made them feel weak and peevish .
25 Some knew about the various methods of pain relief available , but others had no idea at all , and this made them feel even less in control of what was happening to them .
26 ‘ Tell me more about how this made you feel ’ , and ‘ What did you do when you felt like that ’ , give counsellees permission , and perhaps a feeling of safety , to talk further about themselves .
27 When the whole family is in the room ask everyone 's name individually including the children as this helps everyone feel acknowledged and important .
28 People who are used to having responsible jobs at home or in the office and who are known to be good managers and organizers can not understand why suddenly the simplest task seems to be beyond them , and this makes them feel out of control and very unsafe .
29 People like Jeff Whitefoot who is so experienced should be trying to encourage young players like myself but this makes me feel like packing it in . ’
30 Giving an account of it like this makes me feel as though you 're asking me to account for it , explain it for you .
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