Example sentences of "[det] [noun] began [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the problems and doubts , sandwich courses remained a central feature of the polytechnics — even as some institutions began to press for full-time courses to replace or to accompany them .
2 A few birds began to make with the auditions .
3 Even though the university system grew rapidly , demand for places in some subjects began to outrun supply .
4 But slowly another emotion began to take over — anger .
5 All this Sylvie began to learn as she watched his graceful gestures and questioned him .
6 However , by the early 1980s some LEAs began to adopt more prescriptive approaches , insisting on school policies fostering racial equality within given time limits ( e.g. ILEA , Brent ) , prescribing aspects of headteacher behaviour to ethnic minority parents ( e.g. Bradford ) , making certain forms of racist behaviour a disciplinary offence ( e.g. Manchester ) or establishing central mechanisms to decide upon school suspensions and so removing power from Heads and Governors ( e.g. Birmingham ) .
7 Subsequently this figure began to increase steadily and by 1988 , the latest year for which figures are available , it was 20 per cent .
8 This divergence began to emerge at a very early stage .
9 Probably the greatest cause of discontent was the issue of Public Lending Right , only partially defused since some authors began to receive Public Lending Right payments in 1983 .
10 This meant that an older social critique , whose pedigree went back hundreds of years , was expanded to take account of juvenile employment in such a manner as to make the critique more subtle , at least in the sense that some reformers began to suggest that the combination of juvenile psychology , conditions of labour and industrial training was influential far beyond the workplace and on a scale previously unrecognized .
11 On 14 May , as the head of this column began to cross the frontier between Dravograd and Bleiburg , Tito 's forces were massing in considerable strength on both sides of the frontier around them .
12 In the 1980s , Asian economies moved from low-tech to mid-tech or even high-tech , and some countries began to export knowledge products and most were turning more to research as an underpinning of future economic growth .
13 Inside our flat , small drifts of this sand began to blow in under the doors and through the cracks in the window frames .
14 More slowly , ministers and departments of State charged more or less specifically with the conduct of foreign affairs emerged in most West European countries , though it was not until late in the eighteenth century that this process began to reach completion .
15 Reference to annual series of population estimates indicates that in Great Britain , this process began to accelerate in the mid 1960s and has waned since reaching a peak in the early 1970s .
16 With the decline of secular Arabism as a credible ideology in the late 1970s , some Palestinians began to affirm their religious loyalties .
17 To add to the problems , some stations began to voice unease about the format and content of the traditional , international and national ITN service followed by a short local programme .
18 This need began to become apparent in the later 19605 .
19 As the programmes developed , some teams began to include a range of options to meet different needs and preferences .
20 And some viewers began to wonder about our relationship .
21 The Rising Star and Half Moon began to shine as I wended my way back over the Skerne Bridge .
22 Some managers began to express concern at the difficult position advisers would be in when working with the new social fund .
23 In that summer of 1940 the first few families began to leave town and come to live in their country ville outside Fontanellato .
24 After 1760 bulls were brought in from England , the Netherlands and southern Scotland to improve them and some farmers began to specialise in certain colours or coat patterns .
25 ‘ As it was being carried , some stockbrokers began tugging at it and a scuffle ensued .
26 Some people began to throw stones , the police hustled the teller off the pitch into a police car and drove him hurriedly away .
27 In 1989 he took a rest from running junior soccer teams and this season began refereeing in the South Merseyside Junior League .
28 THE Forestry Commission this week began felling 120 fine old beech trees in the Crown-owned Savernake Forest in Wiltshire , saying they had to protect the public from dangerous boughs .
29 Another student began to study the language of press advertising : and a third — myself — began to study the language of television commercials , then a relatively new medium of advertising in the U.K.
30 Another dog began to bark , this time inside the house .
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