Example sentences of "[vb pp] less [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 SCOTLAND 's preparations for the crucial World Cup qualifying tie against Malta at Ibrox on Wednesday bordered on the farcical yesterday when Rangers ' Richard Gough and Stuart McCall were forced to withdraw from Andy Roxburgh 's squad and Ally McCoist was given less than a 50-50 chance of playing .
2 Knowing her sister well , Fabia could only marvel then that when Barney was , by the sound of it , so desperately ill , Cara appeared to be making every effort to rise above the shocking news she had received less than an hour ago .
3 Mrs Hunt has said she can not understand why there was such a delay when an ambulance station is situated less than a mile from her home .
4 The gloomy assessment of Derry 's chances is based on the poorest goal scoring record of any team in the top six — City have averaged less than a goal game from 28 League outings .
5 ROLAND STADLER , Switzerland 's non-playing Davis Cup captain , has quit less than a month before the final against the United States .
6 ‘ We 've done less than a third of the total distance , but the worst is over .
7 He has conceded less than a goal a game in his 249 Football League appearances .
8 The arch-conservative , Senator Jesse Helms ( North Carolina ) , complained that the administration should have mobilised the US troops , based less than a mile from the Panamanian Defence Force headquarters , to help the rebels .
9 ‘ Charles the Fifth , who was born less than a thousand years ago ? …
10 A child born less than a year after its elder sibling is twice as likely to die in infancy than a child born two to three years after .
11 He fastened his seat belt without speaking and the Rover slid gently into Broadway , the road he had crossed less than a fortnight earlier on his way to see Sir Paul Berowne .
12 After tossing and turning for another while , Amiss fell into a deep sleep from which he was woken less than an hour and a half later by his alarm clock .
13 Super-shy George Michael bought his Californian dream home for £3 million two years ago , but he 's spent less than a fortnight in the futuristic house .
14 He had spent less than an hour in the Dragon and during that time he had succeeded in needling at least four men .
15 Compelled less than a whiff of ghostly oxygen
16 In a sector where the income from sales of tickets represented less than a quarter of total expenditure , there was little else one could expect .
17 According to this schedule a prosecutor would be appointed less than a month before the presidential elections of November 1992 .
18 They had gained less than a hundred yards .
19 Typewriter script , which became the world 's most familiar type-face between 1867 and 1985 , will have taken less than a decade to change from a staple into a mannerism .
20 Woil 's escape was over , and it had all taken less than a minute and a half .
21 Suppressing the Poles had taken less than a year , but the pacification of Muslims in the mountainous region between the Black Sea and the Caspian was to continue beyond the end of the reign .
22 The writ was issued less than a month after Mr Branson and his airline began libel proceedings of their own against BA and Lord King , its chairman .
23 Her thoughts drifted back to Spike , the metal man , who had been killed less than an hour ago .
24 The French Revolution had begun less than a hundred years before ; the Paris Commune was only nine years away .
25 The car chase had lasted less than a minute .
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