Example sentences of "[vb pp] either by a " in BNC.

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1 Interesting results emerge when we place these ‘ players ’ — who may be individuals or organized groups — on a two-dimensional , nxn square lattice of ‘ patches ’ : each lattice-site is thus occupied either by a C or a D. In each round of our game ( or at each time step , or each generation ) , each patch-owner plays the game with its immediate neighbours .
2 It will have to be installed either by a window or in the middle of the largest room you 've got , I told her .
3 The dust from the deserts is carried considerable distances until it is dropped either by a decrease of the wind velocity or , probably more usually , by being washed down by rain .
4 In these circumstances , the larger company may dispose of its shares in the market or , possibly , arrange for them to be cancelled either by a reduction of capital or a purchase of own shares .
5 At her considerable best — when her physical angularity , her fluttery , melodramatic flounces and her inclination to treat the most unpretentious line of dialogue as a conversation-stopper were tempered either by a real affinity with the role in question or else by a witty , self-deprecating sense of her own absurdity in it — she remained one of the most consistently spell-binding of Hollywood stars .
6 All such rules are made either by a Minister or the Queen-in-Council in exercise of powers conferred by statute , and they must normally be published .
7 This is done either by an enzyme which breaks down the neurotransmitter or , more commonly , the neurotransmitter can be transported back into the presynaptic area .
8 A series of workshop sessions can be commissioned either by a particular museum , or by a local authority .
9 It can hardly be coincidental that these remarkable evolutionary events , taking place within only a few million years , correspond so closely in time with an episode of exceptional igneous and urogenic activity ( Larsen & Pitman , 1972 ) , the rapid disintegration of Pangaea ( Hallam , 1980 ) and the biggest marine transgression since the mid-Palaeozoic , apparently produced either by a phase of accelerated sea-floor spreading or by a dramatic increase in the length of the ocean ridge system .
10 with the abolition of a commodity economy in the town and with the socialist organisation in industry … the dictatorship of the proletariat is inevitably accomplished either by a hidden , or more or less open , struggle between the proletariat 's tendency towards organisation and the tendency of the peasantry towards commodity anarchy .
11 The rats were anaesthetised either by a subcutaneous injection of urethane ( 1.5 g/kg ) or an intraperitoneal injection of sodium phenobarbital ( 0.23 g/kg ) .
12 A further Conservative victory in the early 1990s might be avoided either by an electoral pact between Labour and the Democrats , or by increased support for Labour , particularly in southern England .
13 The yards were reached either by a narrow alley or through a tunnel entrance ; they took their name from the owner or sometimes from the occupant of the property that fronted the street .
14 I would also suggest that any future cancellations be notified either by a poster in the village or by a phone call to the village post office , so would-be passengers can make alternative arrangements .
15 This is usually accompanied either by a full written report , or by a brief report with a fuller version lodged with each departmental office , if the complete report is lengthy .
16 This could be caused either by a genetic change which altered the relevant attaching enzymes , or by a genetic change which altered the anticodon of a tRNA molecule without altering the attachment site for the amino acid ( or vice versa ) ; such mutations do occur as rare variants .
17 Only very few older people are likely to suffer protein or vitamin deficiency , and when this does occur the deficiency is usually caused either by a specific type of disease or by the diet not being properly balanced .
18 The Committee did stress that there was ‘ a real desire for improvement ’ and prepared a draft Convention which provided for service via the consular channel , or by an agent appointed either by a party or by the Court whose process was involved .
19 If a bill of lading was issued either by a carrier or by its employee or agent whose authority included receiving goods and issuing bills of lading , the carrier was liable for damages : a ) to the owner of the goods covered by a straight bill of lading ; or b ) to the holder of an order bill who gave value in good faith , and who relied upon the description of the goods or upon their shipment on the date shown .
20 According to Whiting , much of this initial conformity was occasioned either by a fear of and respect for authority , or by the reluctance of testators to throw away their assets on objects and practices which were now proscribed .
21 Le Roy Ladurie therefore offers explanations in which an appeal to structural constraints is complemented either by an unexamined presumption of individual rationality or by an equally unexamined conception of the unconscious .
22 By a sort of transposed assumption based on post-war experience Acheson had told the National War College in December 1947 that for Greeks , Italians and others it had not been a free choice whether they accepted or rejected communism : because they were being coerced either by an internal organization financed by other countries or by external pressure to adopt a system of government which had the inescapable consequence of inclusion in the system of Russian power .
23 This pattern can be explained either by an artefact arising with short PCR probes detecting clusters of short repeats or by a low abundance of the ERG product among other repeat products containing CpG trinucleotides .
24 The legal recognition of corporate character may be obtained either by a charter from the Crown , as in the case of most of our older corporations , like the Hudson 's Bay Company , some universities and their colleges , as well as of some more recent ones ; or directly by means of an incorporating Act of parliament , as in the case of certain public utilities ; or indirectly through an Act of Parliament like the Companies Act 1948 ( which has been amended by several later Acts of the same name , and consolidated by the Companies Act 1985 ) , which offers corporate character to any number of persons ( usually not less than seven ) associated for a lawful object , who are willing to comply with the statutory requirements as to registration and otherwise .
25 Pamella 's clock is running slow the Gloucester team were playing rough A familiar example , which actually contains an adjectival phrase rather than a single adjective , is : ( 66 ) a rose by any other name would smell as sweet With this construction , too , there is possibly a certain element of idiomatic restriction ; why for instance are the following examples unacceptable ? ( 67 ) the guide was eating gluttonous Suzanne pirouetted sensuous We may at least hazard a guess as to why this construction is fairly limited in its occurrence : there are three intensional elements in operation , the entity phrase in subject position , the property which is to be instantiated by the verb and as a third item a property that can be expressed either by an adjective or by its adverb competitor ; now where the lexical meanings are such that there would be an appreciable difference in the effect of applying the third property to the entity of the subject by contrast with the effect of using it to qualify the property of the verb ( which is the case in ( 53 ) by contrast with ( 54 ) ) then intuitive awareness that there is going to be a difference may generally allow the construction with the adjective to be available .
26 The amount will be determined either by a percentage , a fixed sum arrived at on some other basis , or an hourly rate .
27 In law , property may be held either by a natural person , or by a number of such persons , or by an incorporated body such as a company .
28 ( ii ) at all times at least one share in the body must be so held either by a member who or which is a solicitor or a recognised body and who or which beneficially owns that share ; or by a member who or which holds that share as nominee for a solicitor or for a recognised body or for a receiver appointed under section 99 of the Mental Health Act 1983 in respect of a solicitor .
29 ( ii ) at all times at least one share in the body must be so held either by a member who or which is a solicitor or a recognised body and who or which beneficially owns that share ; or by a member who or which holds that share as nominee for a solicitor or for a recognised body or for a receiver appointed under section 99 of the Mental Health Act 1983 in respect of a solicitor .
30 In the case of the Vale of Pewsey Fault , however , only minor faulting occurs in the Mesozoic above the subcrop of the thrust , the main growth fault appearing several kilometres to the south , perhaps controlled either by a splay thrust in the hanging wall or by local steepening of the sole thrust at this point .
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