Example sentences of "[vb pp] at any moment " in BNC.

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1 They lay up all the following day , expecting to be attacked at any moment , but no enemy showed up .
2 In my desperate fear and danger , I was like a pain-maddened animal , ready to kill or wound at any moment .
3 After all , I had no real claim upon your attention , and I knew I meant so little to you I could be dropped at any moment without a second thought .
4 Coutts had been informed that a cheque for $6m was expected at any moment from MGM films in America — payment for the distribution rights of Electric Dreams .
5 It was for this convict , who could be caught and hanged at any moment , that I had deserted Joe .
6 They moved out slowly into the corridor , Chen looking about him , prepared at any moment to thrust the knife deep into Herrick 's throat .
7 I left that meeting with the phrase , ‘ I am a lesbian , ’ ready to be spoken at any moment .
8 Tensely they waited , expecting to be discovered at any moment .
9 She knew she could be killed at any moment .
10 It should be noted that the maturity variable differs between the contracts traded at any moment in time .
11 An emergency stop from 50 km/h ( 30 mph ) takes 33 metres , which , in a situation where a driver may be confronted at any moment by a dashing child , is clearly far too much .
12 Each valve or combination of valves , therefore , produces not a single note but a whole series of possible notes , the one required at any moment being selected and coaxed out by the player , who must therefore ‘ feel ’ the required note before he actually produces it .
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