Example sentences of "[vb pp] on several [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The letters were written on several different kinds and colours of paper , airmail paper , headed notepaper from hotels in several different cities .
2 A British doctor , Pauline Cutting , had returned home to a heroine 's welcome and was featured on several front pages .
3 Top : Yak–18T CCCP–81434 with cooling louvres on the front of the cowling which are a distinctive feature of all Yak–18s and are also to be seen on several other Yak types , including the Yak–12 .
4 But the Lord Lane I met at Aviemore could hardly have been more different — affable , witty and without a trace of self awareness of his office ; and if I call him Geoffrey here , it is only because after Aviemore we became friends , played the odd round of golf together , exchanged letters and met on several social occasions .
5 And the adaptations they make are made on several different levels erm they might become more alike in their language , in their pronunciation , their rate of speech , their pause or utterance length and their vocal intensities . ?
6 After housing , the service in which privatisation has made the most progress is the NHS , inroads have been made on several interrelated fronts .
7 Maggie did , to be corrected on several minor points she 'd got slightly wrong .
8 By 1914 , Maurice Woods was able to announce that the committee had completed its immediate programme in every field but one and had therefore embarked on several secondary projects .
9 The popular health system is based on several fundamental assumptions .
10 However , such forecasts about trends in drug-taking behaviour are , of necessity , based on several untested assumptions , and also need to be evaluated in the light of various practical considerations .
11 The carronade , a short-barrelled large-calibre gun with a low muzzle velocity , easily handled and very effective at close quarters , was first developed in 1774 and by the end of the American War was mounted on several hundred British men-of-war of all sizes .
12 It was formerly found on several other islands in the Seychelles , and while nobody really knows the reason for its decline , serious studies are now being undertaken in order to try and find out .
13 The only exception to this rule was Uncle Jack , who clearly had his sights set on several more whiskies when Charlotte insisted , at Ursula 's request , on driving him to the station and seeing him aboard the London train .
14 Generally , they did not agree with the style of campaigning witnessed on several major campuses , which they viewed as attempts to copy the ‘ bourgeois ’ elections of capitalist countries .
15 Further consideration is recommended on the subject of removing tax disadvantages that arise on disincorporation , a problem that has been highlighted on several previous occasions .
16 This is particularly significant in the definition and subsequent management of the same record stored on several different media .
17 In terms of transaction size , MAS has assisted on several large acquisitions ( with purchase prices approaching £50 million ) as well as number of smaller transactions .
18 They had co-operated on several criminal cases ; the scoops that had brought her the professional acclaim she revelled in .
19 He was the last mayor of Teesside , chaired the town 's protection committee for 18 years , served on several national environmental health bodies and is a past president of the National Society for Clean Air .
20 It was extended on several later occasions , so that the main accommodation extended around all side of a small courtyard , while other courtyards were added to house stables , a garden and an orchard .
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