Example sentences of "[vb pp] by some writer " in BNC.

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1 It has been claimed by some writers that distinctive feature analysis is not irrelevant to the study of language learning , and that pronunciation difficulties experienced by learners are better seen as due to the need to learn a particular feature or combination of features than as the absence of particular phonemes .
2 Although texts devoted to the human impact ( e.g. Goudie , 1981b ; Gregory and Walling 1979 ) and those devoted to branches of physical geography have not yet emphasized urban physical geography , claims have been made by some writers that the urban environment is sufficiently distinctive to warrant attention as a specific milieu .
3 It has been said by some writers that he had got caught up in an extravaganza far beyond both his intention and his control .
4 There is a curious facility possessed by some writers , often those not of the first rank , which consists of an ability to create characters who step out of the surroundings in which they occur and enter the popular imagination .
5 Attitude formation is thought by some writers to depend on personal characteristics .
6 The term accentual is derived from ‘ accent ’ , a word used by some writers to refer to what in this course is called ‘ stress ’ .
7 And there was a growing appreciation , helped by some writers for Irish Independent newspapers , of the dangers for the republic .
8 This has been characterized by some writers as a hierarchy of obligations ( Qureshi and Simons , 1987 ; Ungerson , 1987 ) .
9 It has been assumed by some writers that statements of attainment should be adapted for children with learning difficulties by producing more detailed learning hierarchies than the statutory orders provide .
10 The response of the law-enforcement agencies is taken by some writers as further evidence that this violence against women is considered legitimate and that the state should , therefore , be considered a patriarchal institution rather than a neutral body .
11 The ability of a prime minister effectively to call a general election has been regarded by some writers as the most important weapon in ensuring parliamentary support .
12 When the concept is explained by some writers , educational technology :
13 Because the length of the period is so short and can be measured in generations , considerable caution has been shown in the accuracy of dates given by some writers ( Avent 1975 , p. 56 ) .
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