Example sentences of "[vb pp] a [adj] mile " in BNC.

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1 wants two more miles on my clock and I 've done a thousand mile on my .
2 If it 's done a thousand miles , you 'd get nine thousand five hundred and then cos of the mileage they 'd take off a thousand divided by ten , so they 'd take a hundred pounds off that .
3 Ye have n't done a hundred miles yet .
4 I 've already done a hundred miles , where 's the other Ne Well he said Well actually it 's in Wales , and I thought Oh no !
5 Bob , Bob , for a bit and he done a few miles on it and then he sold it to somebody else in the garage .
6 ‘ Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey ’ is a poem in Wordsworth 's loftiest philosophical manner , and a triumphant affirmation of God 's creative and restorative power at work in nature .
7 A brief excursion in July 1798 provided Wordsworth with an opportunity to summarize these new ideas in Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey , on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour , July 13th 1798 .
8 We often lost each other on the seven barges being pushed a thousand miles up the Zaire River , once Conrad 's Congo .
9 One was seen a few miles off Newhaven on 21 September 1936 ; one flew east off Langney Point on 15 October 1948 ; One flew east off Langney Point on 19 November 1950 .
10 It might have given him some small comfort to know that , 75 years later , hydro-electric power was successfully produced a few miles away at Coaley Mill .
11 One man 's father told coastguards that normally the group only travelled a few miles along the coast on the speedboat trips .
12 I 've just completed a 16,000 mile trip around the US , carrying a Dell notebook that weighed about 7lb , and believe me , the difference is impressive .
13 Given a 4 mile stretch of placid water above a lock , a round trip in a 4 mph rowing boat will take 2 hours .
14 PLANS to turn the site of a former explosives factory at Annan , Dumfriesshire , into Scotland 's top rallying centre were put forward yesterday by the 300-strong Wigton Motor Club which is based a few miles over the Border in Cumbria .
15 A taxi driver has been hijacked , beaten up and driven a hundred miles to London , where he was robbed of just twelve pounds .
16 I was n't quite so happy after that ; however , we landed safely on a tea estate in Assam , and then were packed into lorries and driven a few miles into Dibrugarh .
17 But on a rainy March afternoon in 1988 it must have seemed a million miles from home .
18 It was found a few miles from his car on the seashore near Great Yarmouth .
19 I have always regretted the fact that the unhappiest part of my life was spent a few miles away from Riggindale , and I never visited it .
20 ‘ He has run a million miles for us this season and will run another million , ’ he said .
21 Clark was eager to play in tonight 's Anglo-Italian tie against Leicester at St James 's Park but boss Keegan said : ‘ Lee has run a million miles for us this season .
22 I saw no signs and had gone a few miles before I saw my first human being .
23 The South Somerset Tourism and Marketing Unit has also created a 100 mile cycle route which encircles the District and makes an ideal two day excursion .
24 During the previous day a major naval battle had ensued a few miles to the east , and had continued into the night — the ‘ Battle of Matapan ’ ; a resounding defeat for the Italian Fleet .
25 Choosing a different route out of Hobart to the rest of the fleet , the yacht quickly established a one mile lead over the nearest rival .
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