Example sentences of "[vb pp] for trying [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sarah was watching the chimneysweeps with a rapt expression , and holding the hands of two small boys , while one a bit older had to be reprimanded for trying to climb a tree .
2 There is often much to be said for trying to sort the matter out by pursuing your rights under your company 's grievance procedure .
3 Of all the things I 'd got up to in my time , I never thought I 'd be stitched for trying to return someone 's stolen property .
4 The Assembly also approved the leadership purge of June and July , when six high-ranking officials in the ruling Khmer People 's Revolutionary Party ( KPRP ) had been arrested for trying to set up a new party [ see also pp. 37598-99 ] .
5 A COUPLE have been charged for trying to sell their children to buy drugs .
6 The National Gallery has also been criticised for trying to insure the entire exhibition with the help of an indemnity reserved for foreign loans .
7 British Nuclear Fuels has been criticised for trying to conclude a deal with South Korea , a country which President Bush has named as increasing the proliferation risk .
8 Is not it an example of what is wrong with the country that the Prime Minister was promoted for trying to reinvent the Lady Bountiful in his first major act as Minister in 1988 ?
9 These problems resemble those encountered by early second-wave western feminists like Friedan and the National Organization of Women , who were often slammed for trying to improve women 's position within male-oriented spheres of activity , rather than pursuing female-oriented concerns .
10 Wolfgang Vogel , the lawyer who negotiated deals for East Germans who took refuge in West German missions in the East bloc , had earlier appealed to the government to free the demonstrators and hundreds of people jailed for trying to escape through Poland , Czechoslovakia and Hungary .
11 They said ‘ The price we have paid for trying to control inflation has been unemployment and recession .
12 On Dec. 22 , 1989 , a senior West German official announced that 28 West German secret agents and 90 political prisoners ( mostly imprisoned for trying to flee the country ) had been released from East German prisons and sent to West Germany in exchange for the release of two former senior West German government secretaries , Elke Falk [ see p. 36046 ] and Margret Hocke , who had " spied for love " , and two East German agents .
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