Example sentences of "[vb pp] around [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Pulled from the river with her nightdress apparently wound around her head , she provided Magritte with an image which haunted his art and inspired the long and diverse series of compositions in which the head is concealed by a veil or an apple , metamorphosed into a plank of wood , or shown only from the back view .
2 He rattled the necklace of shells that had been wound around her neck .
3 He had told her that he had wanted her that night at the house , but he needed no words now — his body was evidence enough — and sheets of flame seemed to shoot through her as her arms wound around his neck and she arched against the demanding , hardening muscles .
4 Her arms wound around his neck as she clung tightly , her mouth open against his face until they were moving together feverishly towards brilliant light that exploded around them .
5 Arms wound around his neck , she shivered while his hands moved over her slim body , tracing her curves through the flimsy material of her dress , leaving a singing excitement in their wake .
6 He moved a step nearing the smaller of the two men , who happened to have two cameras slung around his neck .
7 Coleridge 's moods are most accurately grouped around his need for love ,
8 Her chestnut coloured hair — recently coloured too , he guessed — was tightly curled around her face and her figure was hidden beneath the drapes of an ugly housecoat .
9 They have a solid platform up front , organised around their captain and member of the infamous Bègles-Bordeaux front-row , Serge Simon , with an incredibly talented and efficient back division behind them .
10 So by the end of the day , we 'd met Sam , we knew her , we 'd been in her house , we 'd looked around her house .
11 His fingers are clenched around his coffee cup .
12 He looked at the piles of things scattered around my room .
13 Carpets were drenched with alcohol and condoms were scattered around his room , said a spokesman for Berlin 's Grand Hotel Esplanade which is sending the bill to Kennedy 's record company EMI .
14 The trouble with G-Loc is the software was originally designed around its arcade hardware .
15 Despite the ‘ Britain 's ugliest group ’ tag that 's hung around their neck since the start , the Inspirals are a better band to look at than they were a few years back .
16 Her arms twined around his neck , her body pressing against him , her lips receiving his with a passion that scorched her .
17 But at mid-height , on Newby Moss , there is a purple patch of excitement in a tight concentration of potholes , some of great depth , others ornamented around their surface openings by shrubs and heather , and pretty enough to make one wish they could be transported to the back garden at home .
18 This can take many forms , but the idea is that part of it is strapped around your backside ; this prevents the hook from riding up and allows you to take all the weight of the rig by sitting .
19 Over this he had a black mackintosh ; there were five belts strapped around his waist and a sort of grey linen nappy attached to the back of his trousers .
20 Then he was able to lift back a flap of skin each side of the incision and get to the extra body fluid that had collected around my wrist .
21 His hair was dishevelled , his beard had grown around his neck as if he had spent the past four months away from civilisation .
22 He possessed just enough self-control to continue his gentle stroking of her , but both his arms now held her , and almost without her willing it McAllister 's crept around his neck , and unconsciously they sank , from their sitting position , on to the bed , to lie with McAllister 's head on the pillow , Dr Neil 's by her , he careful to lie still , to do nothing which might suggest any kind of bodily union .
23 Well information is being whizzed around your computer at , lets say , 33MHz until — crunch ! — it smashes into the board running at 8MHz , causing a massive pile-up of data .
24 You see — word 's got around our neighbourhood ,
25 At first , Carrington had listened with unease as Morton had blandly slid around his assassination claims .
26 Graham Laine was found in a water-filled ditch with cables tangled around his body .
27 A figure approached him with its arms wrapped around its chest .
28 A man suffered a leg injury when the leisure boat he was travelling in , the Deborah Ann , clipped the sea wall at Tynemouth harbour after rope got wrapped around its propeller .
29 Its bronze-gold wings were tightly wrapped around its body but the long equine head turned this way and that at the end of a remarkably prehensile neck .
30 She just felt hopelessly entangled in the strong brown arms that were wrapped around her waist .
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