Example sentences of "[vb pp] in the corner " in BNC.

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1 The renewed buzzing of a fly trapped in the corner of the pane ceased to seem quite so near .
2 In the yard next to ours was a tiny cottage squeezed in the corner .
3 She was addressing a massive and gaudy macaw perched in the corner , side-facing her suspiciously .
4 At last people were going to see the real Dorothy , the real live woman behind that starchy old madam who 'd sat in the corner for all those years , hiding from the world in general .
5 You need an awful lot of persuading to get doctors to start to use a new medicine and a classic example was of the treatment of depression , where the pharmaceutical manufacturers started to produce tablets which were very effective in stopping depression , not just feeling a bit blue but actual serious clinical depression where the person 's sat in the corner and stared at the wall and did nothing — I mean really serious depression — doctors took a long time to realize that there was an effective treatment for that and to start to prescribe it , and in fact actually doctors in Britain are rather good in that we prescribe many more effective treatments for depression , we diagnose it more often , and this we believe in our office that this is one of the reasons why the suicide rate has gone down in Britain quite dramatically in the last few years , because depression , which is obviously one of the main causes of suicide , is being effectively treated .
6 Motionless on his stool , Frankie stared first at Buddie 's dark profile , then at the huge brown and black body curled in the corner .
7 Although the moon had set , they could see Maldita 's ghostly white body slumped in the corner like a cast-off shroud .
8 But yes , there was his name written in the corner .
9 Still , we reached the end in a while , and I stood up and tugged him back until he was sitting wedged in the corner , supported by the rear and side walls .
10 Even the schools were built in the corners of crowded burial grounds , or over public sewers into which they slowly sank .
11 At that moment there came a faint scratching from the box I 'd built in the corner last evening for the pigeon .
12 " We are planning to have a Victorian summerhouse built in the corner so the tiles will then be inside it . "
13 The face was weatherbeaten and a small cigarette hung in the corner of the mouth .
14 Ruth knew he was looking at the glint of Caer Wydyr , which even at this range was difficult to focus on ; like something seen in the corner of the eye , it seemed to disappear when you turned to look .
15 Gedanken suddenly remembered the roll of rubber sheeting — the one she had seen in the corner of the laboratory .
16 Tolkein died in 1973 and is buried in the corner of a cemetry on the outskirts of Oxford .
17 There are 2 points in X. If N is 3 , then you can think of a cube , drawn in the corner of the three axes of Cartesian geometry .
18 like they 've had in the corner , he likes it does he ?
19 A tattered brown tarpaulin bundled in the corner of the shed ?
20 Billy was still slouched in the corner with his left leg stretched across the seat and his right arm around Mary 's neck .
21 In silence they spread the linen upon the bed , tucked in the corners neatly , dropped the pillows into their cases , extended the quilt When they returned to the kitchen Franca said , with a slight tone of insistence , ‘ Thank you so much .
22 When the police found him later his head was almost severed from his neck , lolled through the fractured opening in a macabre way , the dead cigarette still tucked in the corner of the dead man 's mouth .
23 She pointed to the figure of a man propped in the corner , and the cylinders of oxygen in the back pack lying beside it .
24 After a brief glance at the two boxes of apples which were stacked in the corner , he sat on the end of the bed with Willie and talked about the poem he was writing .
25 Benches and chairs had been placed around the walls , and biscuit mattresses , still folded , were stacked in the corner nearest the stone steps .
26 King 's Jester used to be a very spooky horse and would shy at the same jump , stacked in the corner of the school , every single day and if anything was moved to a different position , he would behave as if it were about to leap out and get him .
27 A smaller bitmap can be tiled , as this is , or you could have a small object placed in the corner or centred .
28 Although such an approach may appeal to those interested in the operation of machines as historical artifacts and in some cases is vital to ability to ‘ read ’ those files which technology has already passed-by ( a classic example being the maintenance of punch card readers to process the already long-forgotten decks of eighty-column cards currently being rediscovered in the corners of filing cabinets , broom cupboards and the like ) , a more efficient strategy is to be found in the transfer of machine-readable files to a hardware and software independent format .
29 The blades , twisted like tentacles , were then dumped in the corner of the field , near a hangar , which of course swiftly became known as the Octopus Den .
30 Charity looked with disapproval at the solid wireless set in the corner of Mona 's otherwise Edwardian sitting-room .
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