Example sentences of "[vb pp] into [art] wider " in BNC.

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1 And they must do that as the possibility increases that they might be sucked into a wider Balkans war .
2 Schools and teachers are part of a wider political arena and it is inevitable that school disruption is sucked into the wider debates about and responses to law and order .
3 With the change from a nomadic and food-gathering to an agricultural and more highly organized form of society , man 's anxiety about himself and the animals that he hunted merged into a wider anxiety about nature .
4 At this point the debate over the civil rights bill merged into a wider national debate concerning the legitimacy of reverse discrimination .
5 It is envisaged that the role of the clinical teacher as such will be subsumed into a wider role of teacher practitioner , who may have additional specialist knowledge and who is likely to be ward or unit based .
6 Members of the rebel National Government of Cambodia ( NGC ) expressed reservations over the initiative , saying that it should be incorporated into the wider UN draft peace proposal .
7 Thus in both the French and British refineries industrial relations are ‘ firmly locked into the wider institutional patterns of their societies ’ ( p. 182 ) , reflecting the historical development of their social structures and the differing cultural orientations of the actors .
8 It now does increasing volumes of trade with its ASEAN ( Association of South East Asian Nations ) neighbours ( Indonesia , Malaysia , Thailand and Brunei ) and has diversified into a wider range of industries .
9 In Levin 's essay , avant-garde cinema is assimilated into the wider discourse of Modernist art despite their material and institutional differences .
10 At the very least , the CEGB should be divided into a wider range of generating companies to stimulate competition .
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