Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] [pron] loved " in BNC.

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1 Girl , he called her , but this last time he 'd called her Vi and written that he loved her , and he 'd never done that before .
2 All his life , he had taken it for granted that they loved each other to the exclusion of anyone else .
3 In another age and another society it might have been said that they loved each other .
4 In taking her virginity he had taken away her power to convince any man of her innocence , even the man before her who had said that he loved her .
5 She wondered how she could ever have thought that she loved him , and why she had stayed with him for so long after she 'd realised that if she ever had , she did not love him now .
6 He blushed to think of how shamelessly he 'd paraded himself when he 'd had Judith on his arm ; how he 'd joked that she loved him for his cleanliness , and for his taste in bidets .
7 I was n't completely heart-free during those years ; sometimes I allowed myself to be fooled that I loved someone , but when it came to the point of saying " yes " to anything final there was always the small honest inner voice which jeered " For life ?
8 Anthony had always known that she loved Julia , but after the things Comfort had said at Christmas he had not expected her to be thrown into quite such terror .
9 In the beginning he had found Maud appealing , and on their wedding day he had really believed that he loved her , but ambition had clouded his vision .
10 She had known she liked him , enjoyed his company , his humour , gentleness , so why had she never admitted that she loved ?
11 It was only that now , having finally admitted that she loved him , that she 'd loved him almost from the moment they 'd met , she was able to admit that it was those very same qualities that made him the man he was .
12 Luke had already admitted that he loved her .
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