Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] on several " in BNC.

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1 Andrew Wilton 's conception of the show is designed to work on several levels , and should be ‘ genuinely accessible ’ to the non-specialist visitor in terms of the beauty and importance of the objects while offering a coherent reading to the specialist .
2 It can be made to depend on several contexts , not just one . )
3 The gridded diagrams show very clearly that an Edwardian cyclist , lacking the eighteen gears of a modern mountain-bike , would have had to dismount on several occasions along the Earsdon Mill ( West Linkhall section of the route ) .
4 Take the example of Italy , where proportional representation has created permanent instability , with a series of coalition governments that have had to depend on several minor parties whose influence has been out of all proportion to their success in the polls .
5 However , popular legend has it that Andrew Patterson , then Headmaster at the Manchester Schools for the Deaf at Old Trafford , was perturbed to counter on several occasions a group of ex-pupils gathered around a certain gas-lamp in the city — the gas-lamp being a popular meeting place of local deaf people ( this was the subject of a Victorian drama as well . )
6 Launched with private funds in a room on the university 's campus , it has been forced to relocate on several occasions .
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