Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] the higher " in BNC.

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1 In 1964 , although widely expected to reach the higher echelons of the Army , Winchester retired at his own request and settled in Kenya , where he kept dairy cattle on a farm outside Nairobi .
2 Faced with this information , the politicians can be expected to choose the higher level of output indicated by the new equation of demand with marginal cost .
3 Then one could argue for stable long-term subsidies to be granted to offset the higher transport costs , recognising that the higher resource cost of delivering the commodities to their consumers should be borne by the state which would otherwise have to bear the cost of unemployment ( and which is also in a position to take account of the ‘ social cost ’ to the community involved ) .
4 The availability of the computer means that spectrum manipulation , storage and retrieval for replotting or comparison with standards are all easy , and this may be felt to justify the higher cost of interferometers .
5 Model clauses for contracts and leases will be drafted to meet the higher environmental standards now expected of businesses .
6 For the current project a corpus is used to train the higher level modules ( i.e. lexical , syntactic and semantic ) with information about the behaviour of text .
7 This would generate the extra revenue needed to pay the higher cost of replacing nuclear energy with biomass , compared to replacing it with fossil fuels .
8 The government had wanted to retain the higher rate , whereas the parliamentary tax committee had advocated more drastic reductions , to 14 per cent and 7 per cent .
9 Governments permitted the credit expansion required to finance the higher price level .
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