Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] before the " in BNC.

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1 On television , detective series end at just the right moment , after the criminal has been caught and before the courts turn him loose .
2 But now , with the car hardly parked and before the good reverend could open the door , down from the trees swooped a resplendent male Purple Emperor .
3 Two Bills were defeated and before the third was passed Grey was obliged to dissolve the House , fight a general election and engage in a fierce struggle with the House of Lords .
4 This policy issue must be cleared before the basic personnel decisions about selection and training of staff at the various levels can be made and before the information presentations can be designed .
5 The official receiver may at any time after the bankruptcy order has been made and before the discharge of the bankrupt apply to the court for the public examination of the bankrupt ( s 290(1) ) .
6 In some foreign countries the hearing on aliment is dealt with at a separate subsequent diet after divorce has been granted but before the decree is formally pronounced .
7 Perhaps with a generous spirit on both sides some sort of accommodation might have been reached but before the possible constraints of the French Union became important there were more ominous developments , first in Vietnam , then in Paris , which would make a full-scale confrontation more likely .
8 the printing term for long metal trays used to hold type after it had been set and before the press run .
9 When the food was all served and before the entertainments began , she had gone over to speak to him .
10 At last it was finished but before the servants were dismissed , Mandeville ordered their quarters to be searched .
11 He said a number of large economies found it difficult to commit themselves to targets which had not been properly explored and before the International Panel on Climate Change reports scientific evidence next year .
12 In effect , the concern to increase calibre embodies a concern to recapture the social relations , style of politics , and class of leadership , that existed before the franchise was extended and before the working class rose to some sort of local political power through the Labour Party .
13 Jock decided to play as the congregation assembled and before the proper organist arrived , but his hesitant , hymnal efforts had a spare , Protestant ring about them and when , in despair , he broke into a decidedly rag-time syncopation with ‘ Wait Till the Sun Shines , Nelly ’ the proper organist , who was a very proper spinster-woman , rose and hurriedly pushed him off the stool before he had got through the chorus .
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