Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] western [noun prp] " in BNC.

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31 Russia was later to exploit her mineral advantages and other countries were to be linked to this mass of industrial power as was , for example , Sweden as a supplier of iron ore , but heavy industry was in 1880 mainly concentrated in western Europe .
32 Still other patterns of agricultural life could be found in western Germany , France and Switzerland , where a high degree of subdivision of the land among peasant proprietors was already in 1880 the rule , and was to increase .
33 Here , the replacement of ivy-scroll decoration by a circular band of saw-tooth is a contrast with the latter two pavements ( the parallels for this type of decoration , again , are found in western England — in the octagonal panelled mosaic from Eastgate Street , Gloucester ; Neal 1981 , no. 57 ) ; but there are still three concentric borders , as in mosaic B , one of which is of simple guilloche .
34 Dr Vickery 's research may have wider relevance , as similar species are found in Western Europe , North and South America and the Western Pacific islands , allowing dippers to be used as a cheap and easy test of stream acidity .
35 Several centuries before Christ , the Asian elephant had disappeared from western Asia .
36 In the commercial arena , 31% of multi-user Unix systems and workstations shipped in Western Europe last year went to the manufacturing sector , whilst the public sector accounted for 25% .
37 Since 1986 over three million tons of toxic waste have been shipped from Western Europe and North America to other countries .
38 About half that figure is shipped to Western Europe , mainly Spain , Portugal , France and Finland .
39 Although the inquiry was still in its early stages by mid-1991 , there were suggestions that its impact would not be limited to Western Australia .
40 We sat , a strange but contented group , in the dome-car bar as the train swayed through Western Ontario .
41 Inflation increased in western Germany , reaching 3.3 per cent in October 1990 ( the highest for seven years ) and 3.5 per cent in June 1991 .
42 Mixing their metaphors with exuberance , they talked of reversing the tide of history , delivering a skills revolution and mounting a crusade to make the British workforce the best trained in Western Europe .
43 Sephardic Jews , who are descended from Western Europe ( Spain and Portugal ; but also the Middle East and North Africa ) , expressed themselves through their own languages , but were always more ‘ intellectual ’ , more philosophical — in the Aristotelian sense - more scientific and commercial , and more open to syncretism ( e.g. with Islamic and Christian modes of thought ) than their Eastern brethren .
44 Additional forces reportedly comprised three tank divisions redeployed from western Europe , a doubling of the US Marines contingent to 90,000 , three more aircraft carrier groups and a second battleship , the Missouri .
45 These will only be resolved in the course of an internal struggle , which will eventually produce governments neither more nor less enlightened than , for instance , those which have ruled over western Europe for the last five hundred years .
46 Whereas as recently as 1950 half the world 's ships were built in the UK ( notably in Liverpool , Sunderland , Belfast and Glasgow ) , this role was taken by Japan ( 45.9 per cent in 1985 ) , followed by western Europe ( 21. 8 per cent ) , South Korea ( 11.5 per cent ) and the Soviet Bloc ( 10.0 per cent ) .
47 Does the sustained militancy of the Russian working class reveal the ‘ law-governed ’ essence of capitalist development and the inevitability of its overthrow , or was the Russian case an aberration , a unique deviant from the norm represented by western Europe ?
48 Within a hundred years of the missionaries ' arrival many English men and women had enthusiastically adopted the monasticism which was considered the purest form of the Christian life and the surest way to salvation , and which had spread throughout western Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries .
49 The role of " burden-sharing " among NATO allies in terms of costs and responsibilities , an issue which developed further during June-December 1989 , was dominated by consideration of the future level of US forces stationed in Western Europe , principally in West Germany .
50 Although no final decisions had been taken by March 1990 , the plans under discussion included the closure of several European bases and the possible halving of the 305,000 US troops currently stationed in Western Europe by 1994 [ see below for defence budget proposals ] .
51 This is illustrated by the fact that there is little natural forest left in western Europe as a whole and that forest resources were much prized by colonial powers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ( see section 4.4.2 in relation to North America ) .
52 After the publication of the Nouvelle Heloise and Emile ( 1762 ) the cult of romantic landscape spread over Western Europe .
53 The taste for enamel spread to western Europe by way of church and state .
54 The lot of the Jews had been an uneasy one for many centuries ; now , for the first time , they were massacred in western Europe .
55 Although negotiations on arms reductions were about to resume in Geneva when Gorbachev assumed the general secretaryship , Cruise and Pershing-II weapons had already been deployed in Western Europe following the NATO ‘ dual track ’ decision of 1979 ( this was itself represented as a response to the Soviet decision to replace its ageing SS-4 and -5 missiles in Eastern Europe with more modern SS-20s ) .
56 It was also implied that these illegal forces had been deployed in western Kenya where they were being used to foment ethnic violence [ see p. 38854 ] .
57 The best that could be achieved in western Europe was a dispersed defensive strategy which would bog down an offensive , in case of war , and so give time for negotiation .
58 In addition , about 300,000 eastern German workers were commuting to jobs in western Germany , and 108,000 had emigrated to western Germany in the first five months of 1991 — most of them younger , skilled workers [ see also pp. 37761 ; 38109 ; 38354 ] .
59 Weapons such as the Pershing-II , launched from Western Europe , could reach Soviet territory in about ten minutes and were seen as strategic rather than intermediate in character by Soviet negotiators .
60 As regards the political system established in Western Europe , based on representative political institutions — parliament , political and philosophical pluralism , the theory of the separation of powers , decentralization , human rights , etc. — that system is in essentials valid and it will be still more effective with a socialist , and not a capitalist , economic foundation .
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