Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] she looked " in BNC.

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1 Her shoulders stiffened and she looked down at her folded hands .
2 The light deepened till she looked like a ballerina in a green glass bottle .
3 His gentleness was fake , she knew that now , his face distorted as she looked at him .
4 Instead of subsiding now that he was no longer touching her , the disturbance he had caused deepened as she looked at him and understood that the warning was a personal one , merely dressed up as professional advice .
5 Lindsey frowned , certain that Jill had said there were no more patients , and the frown deepened as she looked up and saw Niall Grant .
6 Adele , the younger of the two sisters although some privately reckoned that she looked a little drawn-in and slightly older than Angelica , was wiping down the flour from the big kitchen table as they came through the door .
7 Shelley stared , as the old magic started up , and she felt as she had always felt when she looked at him , that all other men she knew paled into insignificance beside this one .
8 He does n't seem to realize = ’ Her sentence hung as she looked back down the room to where Oliver and Linda were standing alone .
9 Cathy was pale and drawn and she looked tired-not , he thought , like a woman who , expecting the sack , had found herself owning the business .
10 The Wisharts kept giving her a look but her eyes were closed and she looked very serene and still .
11 She was a longstanding institution in the place and her shortcomings tended to be overlooked because she looked after an elderly invalid mother at home and everyone wondered how she managed her dual responsibilities .
12 But suddenly her voice slowed and she looked down at her hands .
13 Just for a moment their eyes met and locked before she looked away , feeling waves of heat running through her body .
14 Maria paused at the bathroom door , her eyes shadowed as she looked back at him , her lover — who was ashamed of being her lover .
15 Her eyes widened and she looked angry .
16 She thought of taking off her overall — ; she was wearing one of Lily 's blouses underneath — only when it was unbuttoned and she looked in the mirror her chest poked out in a most peculiar way .
17 She did n't hear the car coming up the lane behind her , barely even registered it as it passed ; it was only when a car door was violently slammed that she looked up , and froze .
18 Martha 's face was now flushed and she looked on the verge of tears .
19 Maura 's face straightened and she looked earnestly at her little friend .
20 The words faded and she looked about her with slightly flushed cheeks .
21 Maggie found herself being inspected closely by two pairs of eyes and Candace Rainford 's green eyes hardened as she looked at Maggie 's face and the shining mahogany-red of her hair .
22 At last she sat down , her expression hostile but tightly controlled as she looked at him .
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