Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] towards " in BNC.

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1 Given this ambivalence towards political authority , there is little scope in the United States for heroic leadership .
2 Royston CAB has come some way towards solving the shelf space problem and the updating costs of holding more than one information system in a bureau .
3 The Foreign Office has moved some way towards the French idea that the Western European Union ( WEU ) should become the Community 's forum for defence policy .
4 I note that you 've made some headway towards solving things on the technical front .
5 We 've made some progress towards establishing the criteria which we should set out in our policy , and the mechanisms needed to control that policy .
6 By bringing still more evidence to light , I hope I have made some contribution towards reforming an outmoded and unfair system , one that permits arrogant and unscrupulous commissioners to do as they please .
7 Within five years we should have made substantial progress towards a Herbarium database , integrated with BG-BASE software , and with software for Herbarium loans and labels .
8 And the greater integration of individual countries into trading blocs ( Europe , North America , Southern Africa , Latin America ) has made gentle progress towards some form of global administration ( rather than government ) seem more natural and inevitable .
9 They agreed to extend the aid programme ( already applying to Hungary and Poland ) to Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Yugoslavia and ( pending unification ) East Germany , on the grounds that all four had made sufficient progress towards democracy and a free market economy .
10 Initially , he was given basic help towards rehabiliation , but nothing since .
11 For example , a large number ( 16 per cent. ) thought that the police had used unnecessary violence towards themselves , or that an acquaintance had experienced or witnessed this .
12 ‘ If Diana had shown some warmth towards Charles , just a smile even , the new Morton revelations would have meant very little , ’ a royal watcher said last night .
13 Other prostitutes were killed because they had shown some sympathy towards the organizations , I knew " Chilindrina " , who was only 17 or 18 when she was murdered .
14 Now , ’ Hassan licked a forefinger and turned a page of his notebook , ‘ you are no doubt aware that Madame Lavender has shown considerable hostility towards Monsieur Erdle on a number of occasions ? ’
15 The Womens Artist Slide Library is pleased to announce that it has succeeded in retaining its Arts Council funding for the publication of Women 's Art Magazine and has been offered financial assistance towards the running of the organisation over the next year .
16 Historians of publishing have also detected some tendency towards specialisation amongst publishers by the 1780s and 1790s and this may have helped the appearance of antislavery writing .
17 All of the riots evinced deep hostility towards the Nonconformists ( and especially the Presbyterians ) , and would typically reach a climax with the demolition of the local meeting-houses .
18 In those study of deviance ; a belief that the family is the only important vehicle of reward and realization for women has led to a distortion of their role in the stratification system ; and an unspoken devaluation of female types of power as trivial and insignificant has led political sociology towards a one-sided examination of formal constraint- and authority-systems .
19 I have on several afternoons gone some way towards the beginning of a new mythology , which might in a thousand years puzzle the Germans .
20 In two recent articles in Screen , Steve Neale has gone some way towards extending the theorization of film genre along both general and particular lines .
21 Whilst an extension of the deconcentration of central government might have gone some way towards abating these feelings , it was not considered by the majority to be a sufficient remedy .
22 In Frome , as elsewhere , a large proportion of the population lacked the general state of good health which would have gone some way towards combating these killer diseases .
23 By the spring of 1937 the Largo Caballero government had gone some way towards taming the process of social revolution and absorbing the militias into a regular army built around the Communists ' own Fifth Regiment .
24 France has gone some way towards the Canadian pattern .
25 But Mala had gone some way towards the opposite .
26 Mr. Galbraith : The Minister has certainly gone some way towards clarifying the position , and it would not be proper for me to be mean-spirited .
27 The Minister has gone some way towards allaying those fears by adding the proviso that any money from disposals should be used for the acquisition of further works .
28 One got one goal , the other got two , so have they gone some way towards proving that to you ?
29 The Cabinet were much less happy about this , as were Mountbatten 's own staff : however , General Slim , in command of 14th Army , showed more understanding , declaring ( 19 April ) : ‘ Help already given by BNA has gone long way towards expiation of political crimes . ’
30 Amiss directed ferocious attention towards his tray , giving a spirited impression of a man who could n't eat and listen at the same time .
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