Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] closer to " in BNC.

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1 Seagate Technology Inc says it has reached a multi-million dollar agreement with Corning Inc which will enable it to produce a hard disk drive that is sturdier and stores more than conventional drives : it will use Corning' glass-ceramic dubbed Memcor and developed over six years of research and development ; shipments of the material , which is thinner , stronger and more rugged than traditional aluminium substrates , and enables the recording head to be placed much closer to the surface of the disk , will begin shortly and output of drives will start in the third quarter .
2 Jane Pargeter had come much closer to losing her job than she pretended .
3 Jack Ashley 's Bill would have come far closer to doing so by requiring that belief in consent must be reasonable .
4 The day she had come to his house to talk about her daughter 's problem he had felt much closer to her .
5 During Edward 's short reign , England had grown much closer to continental Protestantism and had begun to embrace the nascent Protestant internationalism being fostered by Calvin at Geneva .
6 And true enough , in the last few days they had grown much closer to each other .
7 On the contrary , they may well have moved much closer to the type which will be referred to as putatively postmodernist .
8 In this way , gas is continually being fed ever closer to the centre from larger radii .
9 We have moved significantly closer to concluding an agreement limiting conventional armaments from the Atlantic to the Urals .
10 Birds , like mammals , produce sound by blowing air from their lungs over vibratory vocal chords in the trachea , although in birds the vocal cords are situated slightly closer to the lungs than in mammals .
11 An understanding monarch reflected that disobedient and violent subjects were also to be found much closer to home .
12 The powerful structure is in the direct tradition of early Attic heads ( fig. 15 ) , but has been brought far closer to natural forms .
13 Provided there is sufficient depth for hanging clothes , there is sufficient depth for hanging clothes , a fitted wardrobe can be put much closer to the back wall , creating more space within the bedroom .
14 The first shot ‘ establishes ’ the scene in the minds of the audience , and it is followed by shots which are taken progressively closer to the action as the scene unfolds on the screen .
15 This has to be a mistake , he had thought , as they were directed ever closer to the front .
16 The poster has also been put up closer to other inner city trouble spots — the Meadowell Estate in Newcastle for example .
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