Example sentences of "[det] relation to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Having questioned the basis of Sartre 's definition of man and the human according to the categories of civilization and primitivism , Lévi-Strauss focuses on this relation to history .
2 Charges bear some relation to consumption and it would be relatively simple to set up and run , but , like the flat-rate charge , there 's no incentive to save water .
3 This image may well have borne some relation to reality at one time in the first half of this century and the second half of the last , following the process of industrialization which took men out of the home to work in factories .
4 Written by Christopher Bigsby , broadcaster and Professor of American Studies at the University of East Anglia , Hester and its eponymous heroine nevertheless bear some relation to Nathaniel Hawthorne 's novel .
5 The dreams cease to bear much relation to reality , but are so important to both men that they can not be awakened from , controlled or stopped , by anything short of death .
6 Attributes for it er firmly rooted in a Celtic past that frankly bears more relation to Wales and Scotland than it does er to the past er in Devon .
7 Your book now is going to bear much more relation to reality than one in which the murderer has to perform two or three pretty unlikely actions so as to provide the impenetrable mystery .
8 this appears as a string of paragraphs , apparently taken from worthy enough technological publications but with little relation to time or place .
9 Hence from using a dictionary one could determine that hot dog bears little relation to canines .
10 This is a definition which , while perhaps satisfying the intellectual appetites of a few myopic geophysicists , and considerably more satisfying than that of the Pentagon , still bears little relation to reality .
11 The paintings seemed to bear the same relation to reality as prayers to the vision of God .
12 Any relation to Brigham ?
13 She wondered if the boy was any relation to Mrs Olga Stych .
14 I 'm Theresa , but I 'm not any relation to Sheila .
15 Winterbottom , who normally prefers to let his contributions on the field do the talking for him , said yesterday : ‘ The Quins get stick from everyone , little of which has any relation to fact .
16 The first approach considers the needs in subject and quantitative terms of the users of particular libraries — without any relation to book titles .
17 This ‘ jargon ’ serves not only to highlight distinctions which looser , more commonsensical terms might obscure , but they imply most emphatically that narrative is governed not by any relation to reality , but by its own internal laws and logic .
18 Peter Dawson had , however , asked who his father was , and had then inquired if the family was any relation to Mr Heinrich Stych , who used to teach in Tollemarche Public School .
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