Example sentences of "[det] progress have been " in BNC.

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1 Before the budget , because of the problem of trying to find money to cut the local bills , little progress had been made .
2 Tax reform had been a major campaign commitment in 1976 , but four years later very little progress had been made on this matter .
3 Bevin emphasised the accumulating problems resulting from the fact that little progress had been made : he had encountered difficulties at the British Commonwealth conference held at Colombo in January 1950 and there were criticisms of the United States for not having given a lead .
4 Foremost amongst the measures proposed in the latter instance was increased Aboriginal access to land , an issue upon which little progress had been made — with the possible exception of the sparsely populated Northern Territory — and which remained at the heart of much Aboriginal discontent .
5 At the conclusion of the meeting , little progress had been made beyond agreeing procedural rules and setting up two working parties .
6 Both sides have agreed in principle to a referendum on the future of the territory , and the United Nations has been trying to achieve agreement on its details but , despite concessions by Polisario , little progress has been made .
7 Of the present pilot sites , relatively little progress has been made in terms of collecting outcome information .
8 Industry is another area where little progress has been made .
9 Apart from perhaps the use of story grammars [ Mandler & johnson , 1977 ] and the concept of macrostructure formation [ Kintsch & van Dijk , 1983 ] , very little progress has been made towards the implementation of discourse rules in NLP systems .
10 Relatively little progress has been made in answering these questions .
11 As you have not even seen your inheritance yet very little progress has been made . ’
12 Although there are some countries where little progress has been made , most African nations now have , or are moving towards , multi-party political systems .
13 However , very little progress has been made in leading children towards conventionally accepted explanations .
14 Little progress has been made in terms of developing a theory of the disorder which would provide greater understanding of how and why these factors relate to each other .
15 In its report , Control of Nursing Manpower , published in February 1986 , the Committee of Public Accounts acknowledged that progress had been made by nurse managers but went on to recommend that the " DHSS should ensure that all general managers are made aware of all the possibilities for economies identified in the C & AG 's report " ( 2 ) .
16 The IMF commented that progress had been made by the CAR in the implementation of structural reforms .
17 The UK Northern Ireland Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew and the Irish Foreign Minister David Andrews agreed on Nov. 16 that progress had been made in the talks when round-table and committee stages gave way to bilateral contacts during the past four weeks , although there had been no bilateral meeting between the Irish government and the Democratic Unionist Party .
18 Taken in conjunction with what follows they show the development of UK practice , although they also illustrate that progress has been slow and uncertain , and that user education is still generally a peripheral service in most libraries .
19 We hear that progress has been rather slow of late but feel this has less to do with the quality of Swan Vesta the boys are using and more to do with their strange diets .
20 Is he aware that that progress has been made not merely because of the skill of the consultants and of the nursing staff but because of the way they work together as a team ?
21 There is no doubt tremendous strides have been made in certain sections of the North 's economy but that progress has been partial and there have also been many setbacks .
22 Nonetheless welfare provisions for school children had made progress during the 1930s although because of the frequent economic crises this progress had been rather erratic .
23 By the time the Swann Report came to be written , some progress had been made in the debate about ‘ underachievement ’ .
24 She was able to chat to Ana for most of the meal and what with one thing and another she felt some progress had been made , though what she was doing in this situation she did not know .
25 Whilst some progress had been made complete free movement of capital can not be said to have been achieved by the time of the SEA .
26 Although some progress had been made by January 1990 in dissolving the Ministry for State Security ( the " Stasi " ) [ see pp. 37107-08 ; 37170 ] , the extent to which prominent people had been involved with the Stasi remained a contentious issue [ ibid . ] .
27 Bernard Unti , vice president of the American Anti-Vivisection Society , is pessimistic about the chances of rolling back the patent decision , but believes some progress has been made .
28 This goal is still far from fruition but some progress has been made , particularly by groups and organizations which have had limited but specific objectives ( eg the production of teaching media ) or which have functioned within one educational level ( eg academic libraries ) .
29 Some progress has been made in reducing negative stereotyping .
30 ‘ I trust some progress has been made in my absence . ’
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