Example sentences of "[det] increase in the " in BNC.

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1 In spite of this , the North Norfolk Railway is on course for another increase in the number of passengers in 1992 .
2 He has in mind things like another increase in the student/staff ratio .
3 It would appear that there was some increase in the marriage rates among those in their early twenties during the early 1920s , perhaps because of the delays caused by the First World War , and after 1934 , when the domestic economy began to revive from the worst excesses of the slump .
4 There is no reason why a change of context should restore α but given that a novel context is likely to be arousing , some increase in the likelihood of the OR might occur .
5 Some increase in the number occurring is likely .
6 However , there has possibly been some increase in the number of adult males wintering .
7 Some increase in the number wintering recently has occurred .
8 However , during the same period , the total volume of consumer spending has also increased — largely because of inflation but also partly because of some increase in the volume of purchases .
9 Overall there would be some increase in the recruitment of girls , but no qualitative improvement .
10 However , from the supplementary information collected , by questionnaire , from LEAs a year alter the initial review , there appeared to be some increase in the use of the reported incidence of practical work , and about two-thirds of the completed questionnaires indicated that calculator skills were tested .
11 In my judgment , though the introduction of further admissible material will inevitably involve some increase in the use of time , this will not be significant as long as courts insist that Parliamentary material should only be introduced in the limited cases I have mentioned and where such material contains a clear indication from the minister of the mischief aimed at , or the nature of the cure intended , by the legislation .
12 In the case we are considering this would involve some increase in government spending or some increase in the quantity of money , or some combination of both .
13 Is it not important , however , to stress , particularly for the benefit of the foreign exchange markets , that some increase in the public sector borrowing requirement at this stage in the cycle is entirely appropriate and in no way reflects any weakening of his determination to win the battle against inflation ?
14 This increase in the money supply has been disproportionate to that in any other West European or North American country .
15 Possibly this increase in the number of wakenings during the night is related to the attenuation with age of the twenty-four-hour ( circadian ) rhythm of body temperature and other physiological functions .
16 This increase in the numbers of people who are ageing with a disability is also differentially distributed according to both gender and race .
17 This increase in the Community Charge in major urban areas resulted in a general dissatisfaction with this form of local taxation .
18 This increase in the comparability of building society and bank deposits has meant that the aggressive competition for deposits which began in the wholesale markets has spread to the retail sector .
19 This increase in the range of assets available to societies was related to the extension of the services they were to be permitted to offer .
20 Millions of poor people who did not qualify for income support would be ‘ hit savagely by this increase in the basic cost of living ’ .
21 Skandia 's Performance Bond guarantees the return of 95 per cent of capital invested , plus 100 per cent of any increase in the FT-SE 100 index at November 1994 .
22 Government policy in the 1980s has been to oppose any increase in the country 's dollar debt , which remains at the manageable level of $5.5 million .
23 Once again , investors who put in their minimum £5,000 , will get 90 per cent or 95 per cent of any increase in the value of the top 100 companies in the portfolio .
24 Compared with the case in which A and B have not been pre-trained , the consequence of A-X and B-Y associations having been pre-established would be that a new response could be acquired very readily by stimulus A without any increase in the extent to which generalization occurs to stimulus B.
25 The NRPB now intends to begin an epidemiological investigation across Britain to see if it can spot any increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer in areas under the night path of the radiation cloud that spread south-east from Windscale 25 years ago .
26 Reissland 's point is that any deterioration in the health of the soldiers , or any increase in the risk of their dying of cancer , will be missed if the survey compares their death rates with those in the general population , which is less healthy than soldiers .
27 This point is of great significance in so far as any increase in the value of partnership property belongs to the firm .
28 Possibility 2 : An increase in S , T or M Other things being equal , any increase in the desire to save.by households , or in the amount of taxation taken by the government , or in the amount households spend on imports , will shift the unc line upwards , as shown in Fig. 4.6 .
29 Or unc In equilibrium , the nominal demand for money equals the nominal money supply so that : unc ( 1 ) Now any increase in the nominal money supply will create an excess supply of money which will lead to an adjustment of portfolios as people attempt to spend their excess money holdings .
30 It follows that any increase in the militancy of trade unions which intensifies the competition between them will also tend to raise the rate of inflation .
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