Example sentences of "[det] change [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There is evidence of the arrival of migrants at various stages in Crete 's prehistory , but it seems too facile to attribute each change in the island 's culture to the arrival of a new group of immigrants .
2 For each change in the value of the MMI , Finnerty and Park ( 1987 ) regressed the natural logarithm of S t /S t -1 ; on the immediately preceding natural logarithm of F t /F t -l , where S t is the spot value of the index at time t and F t is the value of the future on the MM.I at time t .
3 We find , then , in the discourses of crucial sectors of the bourgeoisie in this period precisely that change in the general moral climate described by Melossi :
4 However , it is clear that sufficient places in secure accommodation do not exist to meet the need created by that change in the law .
5 The USA and the UK were , crucially , status quo powers , with interests firmly committed to allowing as little change to the new international order as possible .
6 Some primitive conifers , like the monkey-puzzle tree Araucaria , have survived with little change since the Triassic .
7 The figures for applications heard by a single Lord Justice and two and three Lords Justices went a long way to explaining why , despite the facts that the rate at which appeals were begun had shown little change over the years , there had been some small increase in judge-power and that major improvements had been made in the court 's procedures , the number of appeals outstanding at the end of each year and the lead times for hearing appeals showed no real improvement .
8 You 'll see that at point five er there was very little change on the in the A sixty one flow er following the opening of the bypass this is some months er afterwards .
9 The summer timetable saw very little change at the Western end of the Cambrian but a notable addition was an 07:00 Newtown to Birmingham service each weekday using stock and crews brought out a a passenger service from Salop .
10 There was little change in the number of female deaths .
11 In previous elections there has been little change in the parties ' support between the final Sunday of the campaign and polling day .
12 But most of the changes that did occur took place over 1950–70 ; since the latter year there appears to have been little change in the relative positions of the different republics and provinces in social product per head .
13 Most of them reappear with little change in the ‘ Ainulindalé ’ or ‘ Valaquenta ’ .
14 After the initial nationalisation programme carried out by the post-war Labour government , there was relatively little change in the frontiers between the state sector and the private sector .
15 There will be little change in the employment situation , despite signs that the cold economic climate is thawing , said the MPs as they set out their Budget hopes .
16 The worst possible environment for business for the executive search consultants is a steady state , i.e. one where there is little change in the business climate .
17 Long-term monitoring of a section across the northern end of the Trough has shown little change in the properties of LSW since 1975 ( D. J. Ellett , manuscript in preparation ) .
18 Amplitude histograms ( g ) taken from epochs before ( dashed line ; 100 trials ) and after ( solid line ; 80 trials ) the tetanus show an increase in peak separation , but very little change in the relative heights of peaks .
19 When the concentration of CO 2 was doubled , the area of depleted ozone increased , but otherwise there was little change in the ozone behaviour , except when the effects of ozone radiative feedbacks were included in the model .
20 Very little change in the score for health values was observed in any group .
21 Comparison of three national surveys carried out between 1976 and 1985 reveals very little change in the percentage of older people reporting difficulties with a plethora of adl activities ( see Table 4.9 ) .
22 From the beginning of the seventeenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth there had been relatively little change in the age-distribution of the population .
23 The wooden houses off Blackfriars Street , already referred to ( p. 51 ) , were ultimately rebuilt at least twice in masonry , and it is interesting to observe that there was little change in the original property boundaries through to post-Roman times , despite changes in use .
24 There has been little change in the combined market share of the six national brewers owning more than 2,000 pubs since February 1989 .
25 On average cars sold in the US consume around 28.1 mpg , according to Environmental Protection Agency statistics , twice as efficient as cars sold in the 1970s but with little change in the past seven years .
26 There is little change in the number of pigs and the poultry-laying population is estimated to have remained unchanged at 3.1m .
27 There 'll be very little change in the afternoon , with again any light rain or drizzle confined to the higher ground .
28 This large and important group of plants is represented today by a mere four genera of humble herbaceous plants — Lycopodium , Selaginella , Isoetes and Phylloglossum — living fossils which have survived with little change from the Mesozoic or even the Carboniferous .
29 The second poem to Octavia opens with little change from the first .
30 This change during the Regency may be noted even in the detail of interiors .
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