Example sentences of "[det] others have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Boyer , Davinson and some others have tackled this problem .
2 Since the Commission confirmed its objective 2 list in 1989 , most of the assisted areas and some others have benefited under the RESIDER , RECHAR and RENAVAL schemes .
3 I and some others have tried to do something about it because you 'll remember in the last year last two years , we have put in a a sum of money in the budget to increase the allowances for members and for resources to support members .
4 I refer to it in my speech and many others have referred to the terrible situation at Timex .
5 Few find it so easy , and even champions return , as Sugar Ray Leonard , George Foreman , Muhammad Ali , Joe Bugner , Bjorn Borg and so many others have done , once more to hear the cheers and to wear the tinsel of fame .
6 I hope that we are never foolish enough to take what it does for granted — because that is when it will begin to crumble and fail like so many others have done .
7 Many have never even seen a Norfolk long-spade and many others have become too reliant upon the locator .
8 Whereas a few , like Embraer in Brazil , have succeeded in creating the resources and abilities to become global players , many others have stumbled .
9 Nonetheless , members of these communities and many others have developed small-scale enterprises in the informal sector which continue to grow in range and number .
10 No other country has pursued gas-cooled reactors so seriously , and though some have maintained indigenous designs , notably Canada and the Soviet Union , as many others have shifted to the most popular water-cooled model .
11 Bertrand Russell and many others have described the journey into the mind as being the greatest adventure in life .
12 In our age this has become an urgent question for many people and many others have left Christianity behind them .
13 These and many others have worked for private presses and in limited editions where fine illustrations are especially prized .
14 Many others have defaulted or will do so before long .
15 Normally I 'd be reaching for ‘ annihilate ’ button when faced with such an ‘ aware ’ and ‘ right-on ’ selection of topics but Leatherface succeed where so many others have failed by virtue of the tuneful tempestuousness of their music , an assault with melody , muscle and sheer conviction which is irresistible , and the fact that Frankie Stubbs never sounds like a po-faced preacher — unlike a certain other native of the North-East whose name I can hardly type without sending my blood-pressure into the red .
16 Many others have set themselves up as private tutors , which is now permitted .
17 Various authors have attempted to investigate the qualities which pertain to the nature of spatial order as such ( e.g. Hillier and Hanson 1984 ) , and many others have investigated the social use of space with particular reference to architecture ( e.g. Ardener ed. 1981 ; Gilsenan 1982 : 164–214 ; King ed. 1980 ) .
18 Matthew Truskett , who plays in the national youth orchestra , hopes to study music in a big way and become a violinist ; Janine Peacock , who was principal cellist in the national children 's orchestra , recently played solo in a concert at Stockton Parish Church ; and many others have won singing prizes .
19 In the last twenty-five years , four dragonfly species have become extinct in England , while many others have shown a marked decline .
20 It must always have been the case that some problems are inherently insoluble , but perhaps it is the stress on all social services that turns the CAB into the last port of call when all others have failed .
21 Several others have testified to his trouble-shooting capacities .
22 Subsequently several others have appeared in different countries which differ in the sophistication of their construction and the experimental measurements that can be made .
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