Example sentences of "[det] could easily [be] " in BNC.

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1 This could easily be sent because a large tree in the garden seeded in all the borders and cuttings rooted easily , like willows .
2 Unfortunately , the spatial referencing is poor and with some effort this could easily be remedied .
3 This could easily be used by other members of a herd as a way of naming an individual zebra .
4 However , and this could easily be the case in the larger surveying organisation , it may not be in the interests of either effective management or particular individuals to maintain this full-scale participation of all members .
5 Again , this could easily be resolved by using more nurse speakers .
6 This could easily be the best season he 's had for us . ’
7 Now : ‘ Without really trying , they generate £1 million a year , ’ he says and claims this could easily be increased .
8 But viewed from Europe this could easily be seen as yet another example of a US-Japan alliance designed to maintain the status quo of world computer dominance .
9 This could easily be produced by orogenies occurring simultaneously in two or more continents .
10 Some could easily be found by incorporating screening for AF into the routine health checks on over 75s already carried out by UK general practitioners .
11 That could easily be remedied , ’ Elizabeth Mowbray assured her .
12 That could easily be in over a year 's time .
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