Example sentences of "[det] can [adv] happen " in BNC.

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1 Many proponents of fluoridation insist that this can not happen ; to support their view they cite a well-known study , published in 1960 , which purports to show that a physiological mechanism ensures that blood levels of ionic fluoride remain stable no matter what the intake ( Journal of Applied Physiology , vol 15 , p 508 ) .
2 A second scenario is that this can not happen .
3 If you think that this can not happen , read Lee Iacocca 's book on his years in the Ford Motor Company .
4 However , whereas it is possible for a higher-level unit in the syntactic hierarchy to be a constituent of a lower-level unit , as when a relative clause forms part of a noun phrase , this can not happen in the rhythmic hierarchy .
5 This can also happen when a doctor experiences discomfort in the face of death , or an inability to come to terms with his own helplessness .
6 This can also happen if a pain is very severe and strong such that it makes all the other symptoms pale into insignificance .
7 Antique or handpainted china Colours are not usually permanently fired and may fade , but this can also happen with hand washing .
8 Families can stay together through an extremely difficult period — but this can only happen if organisations like ACET are sufficiently funded .
9 While Sunday provides the flash-point for our worship , this can only happen when our Mondays to Saturdays are filled with praise for God as well .
10 The sites may sometimes be hidden and need to be sought out , and this can only happen by taking time and effort .
11 A This can only happen if you do not cast off any stitches at the centre and sides of the neck .
12 Of course , this can only happen if you have been tested .
13 And if we look to the people to play a more positive role , freely voicing their demands and hopes , their fears and grievances , as well as introducing ideas and initiating policies , it is surely plain that this can only happen in an atmosphere of the greatest possible freedom and openness , from which any taint of intimidatory anxiety or apprehension as to the possible consequences of speaking out is entirely absent .
14 With given , this can only happen if rises .
15 Transmission will stop only after the XOFF character has been recognised and , since the Z88 has an input buffer , this can only happen after previously received characters have been processed .
16 Aridity too puts a brake on , for water is the medium for all the chemical reactions in both plants and soil , and these can not happen in its absence .
17 That can not happen until it is also ratified by three newly-independent , former Soviet republics which have long-range nuclear weapons stationed on their soil .
18 A suspect is charged before a court and then released on bail — but that can not happen in this case until the Irish DPP gives the go-ahead .
19 In their view , that can not happen too soon .
20 As for breaking away , he says that can not happen — there is no place to break way to .
21 That can not happen in the water industry , so there must be much more effective regulation than has existed in the past .
22 That can not happen in year one , but as the years went by , it would enable people to build their own packages of care rather than having to take care designed by others for them off the shelf , as in a supermarket .
23 These days , that can not happen because the case is unlikely to be listed and , if it is listed , it will be adjourned , so a local authority has no means of carrying out its responsibilities .
24 ‘ They 'll never learn , ’ he said , ‘ that luck like that can only happen once . ’
25 That can only happen properly if the fundamental , unshakeable understanding of Engineering is soundly built .
26 That can never happen here , ’ he insisted .
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