Example sentences of "[det] for whom [art] " in BNC.

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1 If we bear in mind that the institutions that did not reply may also have included some for whom the questionnaire was inappropriate , we can assume that the responses we obtained would represent somewhere approaching half those working in teacher education at the time .
2 Among experienced readers , including those most passionately concerned with modernism , there are some for whom Joyce occupies nothing like so central a position , some for whom the whole drift of the later work is radically misconceived , even a colossal mistake .
3 A.K. Chesterton , an important member of the leadership of the BUF and later first chairman of the Directorate of the National Front , was another for whom the war had profound significance .
4 Their self-image was that of the chosen few for whom the spectacle provided an inexhaustible supply of objects ( and people ) to hate , and whilst the apparent ease with which they targeted and disposed of their opposition often made good copy ( the endless adventure , the scandal , etc. ) , there is a sense in which the hectoring tone of their documents became repetitive and wearisome .
5 Party conferences were not just piss and wind ; among the 7,000 pilgrims there were not a few for whom the hotel bedrooms of Brighton were the promised land , a weakness shared by some Tribunes of the People .
6 For while there are many for whom the decimation of Baghdad is guided by a fine and noble and sense of justice , many others find themselves with effectively no alternative but to support ‘ our government ’ / ‘ our boys ’ / ‘ freedom ’ or whatever other option is put before them , in spite of their doubts about the validity of the whole bloody exercise .
7 employees who have made other arrangements to pay their contributions ( i.e. those for whom a form RD950 is held ) .
8 In addition , among those for whom a staff member responded only one in twelve of those admitted during the last year of the life was felt to have had a good quality of life during that time compared with nearly half ( 46 per cent ) of those who had been in a home for a year or more .
9 Those for whom the whole self is at stake , he wrote .
10 All — his pride in his memory , his sense of the internationale of writers , painters , musicians , and the aristocrats , his study of form as technique ( no contours , no edges , intellectual concepts , but rounding , thrusting , as a splash of color , as Yeats described his aim in the Cantos … ) it is all a huge AESTHETICISM , ending in hate for Jews , Reds , change , the content and matter often of disaster , a loss of future , and in that a fatality as death-full as those for whom the atom bomb is Armageddon , not Apocalypse .
11 In the end , even gentle Jane Taylor , author of ‘ Twinkle , twinkle little star … ’ was not exempted from the criticism of those for whom the sharp outlines of heaven and hell had become blurred , and who regarded Evangelicals and Nonconformists as purveyors of needless gloom .
12 Among those receiving probation orders will be those for whom the section 2 defence is used to mitigate a mercy killing .
13 There are those for whom the thought of rifling through rails of musty clothes bring back horrible memories of student life .
14 Undeniably , forward momentum was maintained during a decade characterised by severe political , economic and social problems amongst the majority of those for whom the WEA had an appeal and with whom it had initially prospered .
15 The 58% who identified less dependence on farm income as a benefit represented those for whom the farm provided a considerable proportion of total income but which could not provide a living income on its own .
16 Ricardou was particularly guilty of attempting to establish an officially sanctioned list of approved modernist precursors : the criteria he used were based on a simplistic and over-schematic distinction between writers who accepted a mimetic function and those for whom the materiality of language could be shown to be paramount .
17 Possession of even two out of the three characteristics made continued home care unlikely , but we shall confine our attention here to those who possessed all three in order to look as exclusively as possible at those for whom the Home Support Project 's service was crucial .
18 But the conclusion to be drawn from this may be less acceptable to those for whom the democratic and pluralist nature of local government is one of its key defining characteristics , since local government ( both elected and unelected ) seems increasingly to be drawn into ‘ corporatism at local level ’ .
19 The first is the old truism that the beneficiaries of urban policy in both Britain and the United States have not always been those for whom the policy was apparently designed .
20 It draws on the form of words suggested by the Williams Committee for their scheme of prohibition , and the purpose is simply to redefine the essence of the deprave-and-corrupt approach for those for whom the old form of words seems too far removed from the values and habits of today :
21 But there are those for whom the task is easier than it is for most .
22 Does the study group or written material on which the research is based represent those for whom the findings are said to apply ?
23 Moreover , these material objects were ‘ known ’ to generations of those for whom the land rights that they validated were important .
24 Those who subscribe to them and are honoured by reference to them may be thought of with contempt by those for whom the underlife is the serious basis of social living .
25 Apart , then , from those for whom the virtue of representative democracy is precisely that it restricts and restrains popular power , and even , as in Britain , involves the vesting of sovereignty in the representative institutions rather than in the people themselves the chief argument in defence of representative democracy has been an essentially pragmatic one : that it is the best that can be devised in the context of large societies where the citizens are too many and too scattered to be gathered together in one place .
26 The sample can thus , on this basis , be regarded as representative of the desired target population the lowest 40 per cent of attainers , those for whom the GCE or CSE system was not originally intended .
27 However , we must distinguish early angioplasty , with the higher incidence of acute MI versus those for whom the angioplasty can be delayed , where the incidence of acute MI is much lower .
28 Nevertheless , there were those for whom the changes of 1989 revived fears of nationalism , authoritarianism and expansionism in German policy .
29 Second , a detailed sociolinguistic analysis of [ Ε ] raising and [ a ] backing — processes which have a common dialectal point of origin but have taken on very different social values in their new urban context — suggests that the vernacular speakers associated most strongly with the innovation are in each case those for whom the vowel functions least prominently as a network marker .
30 This means that , of those for whom the police had indicated an objection to bail , some 82 per cent .
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