Example sentences of "[det] is partly because " in BNC.

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1 This is partly because of the structure of catholic nationalism in the Southern state and partly because the national unity sought by significant numbers of Northern catholic nationalists is still on the basis of the reversal of protestant — loyalist hegemony rather than a power compromise .
2 This is partly because of the speech 's length but also partly because of the difficulty of showing the advert on the BBC ; even if the corporation agreed , the manufacturers would not .
3 This is partly because he has become the man most likely to win medals in the top competitions abroad — including the World Championships in Belgrade which start on Tuesday — notwithstanding his curiously fragile physique .
4 This is partly because of his super-conciliatory attitude to the doctors .
5 This is partly because Labour has picked up a mood of unease about the city among its residents , fearful of Frankfurt taking over its role as Europe 's financial capital , and jealous of Paris 's self-confidence and infrastructure .
6 This is partly because its product , type , must be familiar if it is to be legible .
7 This is partly because the G7 had other matters on its agenda , such as how to share out the burden of paying for the Gulf war and the issue of debt relief for Egypt and Poland .
8 This is partly because Spain wants ‘ economic union ’ , by which it understands more aid for poorer countries , to be in place to cushion the shock of the monetary sort .
9 This is partly because we need to understand and classify the vast amounts of pottery recovered from excavations at archaeological sites , and partly because of the high success rate of such analytical projects .
10 This is partly because the comparison of stylistic elements in different media such as vase painting and coinage is not as straightforward as it seems .
11 This is partly because the depiction of the same building on coins of a particular city at different dates may , through its variation , reveal complementary details .
12 This is partly because he became known much sooner .
13 This is partly because the word itself tends to conjure up the picture of performing some type of vigorous sport .
14 This is partly because vocabulary is the most individualistic part of a person 's knowledge of language , and continues to develop throughout life , although its growth is clearly fastest in early years .
15 In more than half the cases where the occupations of grandparents are mentioned , this is partly because the father followed a grandfather in his own work .
16 This is partly because of the tight political control exercised by the state , but also because in Syria refugees have always enjoyed equal rights with Syrian citizens while maintaining their own identity .
17 This is partly because most students take no theory examinations except Grade V , a required precondition for sitting O level music in the old days .
18 Sailing in waves produces an excitement that is difficult to beat and this is partly because it can be slightly dangerous if you are not careful .
19 This is partly because little new capacity will be needed this century due to the low level of increase in electricity demand .
20 This is partly because , at least in the cases of Montenegro and Kosovo , large foreign loans were raised for investments in infrastructure and heavy industry ( much of which turned out to be unprofitable ) .
21 This is partly because of their ephemeral nature and partly because disclosure would often reveal either that very sensitive subjects were under consideration or that we had something in train about which we were not ready to make an announcement .
22 This is partly because of the need to make the publications truly publicly available — thus satisfying the legal requirement — and partly because their producers do not normally have any financial or other incentive to make them available online .
23 This is partly because people , and their pains , do not respond equally to a particular drug .
24 This is partly because surgery and drugs have not succeeded in banishing the ‘ diseases of civilisation ’ ( such as cancer , degenerative diseases of the cardiovascular , respiratory and other systems , and allergies ) and there is growing realisation that many of these diseases are intimately related to life styles and attitudes .
25 This is partly because piracy in Britain is more a game for enthusiasts than a serious business .
26 This is partly because of the great competition brought about by the flood of new records over the past two years which has prompted the major record companies to reissue at mid-price ( and sometimes in the bargain range ) many of the first generation of digital records made in the early 1980s .
27 If in Orpheus everyone sound just a fraction less involved in the proceedings , this is partly because the music itself elicits a certain degree of emotional detachment .
28 This is partly because , in early field trials with stray cats , it was discovered that the animals were developing side-effects of an unpleasant kind , and partly because there is a less than 100 per cent efficiency .
29 This is partly because hostilities now arouse political opposition and are be no means fully approved of by all the British people or even all British authorities .
30 Every bride looks beautiful — this is partly because of what she is wearing and partly because she is usually glowing with happiness .
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