Example sentences of "[det] compare [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 This compares to an average UK-wide price of £44,050 and an average advance of £37,865 to first time buyers .
2 This compares with an average transaction level of under £1,900 at Sharelink .
3 This compares with an average of 9% achieved in the 1980s , and is lower than reformist economists and provincial leaders had hoped .
4 This compares with an inflow of £6.2 billion in 1990–91 and beats the previous record year of 1986–87 by £1.1 billion .
5 This compares with an estimated proportion of the school population with special educational needs of 20 per cent .
6 Although the SB level increased by 5 per cent in real terms between November 1978 and April 1987 , this compares with an average increase of 14 per cent in real terms for personal disposable income .
7 This compares with an average life expectancy in 1975 of 69.1 years for males and 75.2 years for females .
8 This compares with an overall average of about 8 per cent for the London Road End as a whole .
9 This compares with an average annual increase of 0.5–0.6 per cent in the 1950s and 1960s .
10 This compares with an area of 3,615,123 square miles for the United States .
11 This compared with an historical cost profit of £415 million in 1991 , when much heavier stock holding losses of £629 million were recorded because of a substantial fall in oil prices with the end of the Gulf war .
12 That compared with an authorised limit of 4,300MBq a year .
13 That compares with an estimated 200,000 cocaine users and seizures by the police went up last year by 3,500% .
14 That compares with an increase on the Intercity trip from Swindon of 7.5% .
15 That compares with an eighty nine per cent increase among drug abusers and a forty per cent increase among gay men .
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