Example sentences of "[det] sort of [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm if it 's um well generally speaking I think , thinking about what the sort of consensus would be among people who who study this sort of thing , they 're usually looking for some sort of of discrepancy in ages or powers or something .
2 My main fear is that once the initial publicity for this has died down , that the Health Authority may attempt to have some sort of behind closed doors , almost like a cover up , and I think that , that , the , this is , this incident has got such ramifications for hospital security in general , there should be a full public enquiry ; and the public have a right to know what went on .
3 and all this sort of like the ventilator shaft right there 's all this blue smoke starting to pour
4 It was sort of , so few came through it was very much sort of under the counter .
5 They were very much sort of in an assistance capi capacity if you can understand .
6 Farm it was called , it was rather a big farm as well and these ponies were put into the green fields that sort of on the farm .
7 You keep that sort of to one side .
8 And that sort of from the policy .
9 think , think you are too mum , you , you could have a son who is taking drugs , who was doing all sorts of in crime and joyriding
10 That 's our single biggest cost , cos as I say , I had three quotes in total , and they were all sort of between thirteen and twenty three .
11 Oh Lord , we did so many extravagant things — all sort of at the last minute .
12 you know , but it was all sort of like that .
13 So we 're all sort of in the same , very
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