Example sentences of "[det] get a bit " in BNC.

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1 That got a bit hard to take .
2 Yes , but lo , but then we 've so , we 've got to pre-judge a little bit then , as to what illness they 're going to have , and that gets a bit difficult .
3 Negotiations went ahead but it all got a bit bizarre because at the time Barry 's manager was called Larry , his road manager was called Gary and his assistant was called Harry — so we had Barry , Larry , Gary and Harry — in fact , I think there were two Gary 's , just to make it confusing .
4 But it all got a bit too much at one late night plenary session when Graham Thompson was challenged about his language .
5 I know we all get a bit stuck in our ways once we 're over thirty , but for Heaven 's sake , is n't it worth a try ?
6 As his yawning indicates , it 's all getting a bit dull .
7 I think , I think you 're all getting a bit tired are you not ?
8 The bridge pickup is positively vicious , but if it all gets a bit too much then switch positions 2 and 4 transform the sound into something sweet enough to rot your teeth .
9 However tough things seem , it 's vital that you should keep your spirits up , and remember that acting is an art and a thrilling one — though sometimes when you are struggling with the frustrating process of building a career , this can all get a bit obscured .
10 We both got a bit drunk , and it was just the way it was .
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