Example sentences of "[det] have [be] recognised " in BNC.

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1 That has been recognised by the Government .
2 This has been recognised for some time , perhaps most articulately in France , as one of the attainments to be expected from a top-class academic teacher and researcher , with an outstanding ability in accurate communication with the men ( and women ) in the street : haute popularisation .
3 This has been recognised , and my practice is being amended in order to facilitate this .
4 This has been recognised in particular by UK companies , and only a minority of large UK companies do not now use graphical means of data presentation in their corporate annual reports .
5 This has been recognised periodically since the 17th century .
6 This has been recognised in the rhetoric of government :
7 This has been recognised by the Panel and for many of the purposes of the Code and SARs , " control " is deemed to be the holding of an aggregate of 30 per cent or more of the voting rights of a company .
8 We are very conscious of the problems on the seafront but these have been recognised .
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