Example sentences of "[det] [vb infin] a bit " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Owen , ’ he said , ‘ does n't this come a bit pat ? ’
2 Oh would n't that look a bit odd ?
3 Does that sound a bit daunting ?
4 Nobody in his right mind would try to fill a bath with a hole in it and so , I reasoned in my simple way , let the poor soul get on with it and let's all have a bit of peace .
5 This may all seem a bit of an unnecessary fuss , but it 's a small price to pay in time and trouble and money in order to save the marriage and turn it into an asset rather than a liability .
6 The last thing you want is to start an involved conversation because when you come to do it for real , it can all seem a bit stale .
7 However tough things seem , it 's vital that you should keep your spirits up , and remember that acting is an art and a thrilling one — though sometimes when you are struggling with the frustrating process of building a career , this can all get a bit obscured .
8 They may have been hard but they could all play a bit as well .
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