Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [prep] various " in BNC.

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1 In countries like Australia with large immigrant populations , some groups for various reasons assimilate more readily than others , and lose their sense of distinctiveness ( Clyne 1982 ) .
2 The land was not flat now but undulating , rising no more than a few feet in various shades of brown and gold as far as the eye could see .
3 There was mention of some art history work , a few articles for various journals and a cataloguing job for one of the museums but it was clear that for Maidstone these were of little importance and did not really qualify for the title of job .
4 In these two offices all your rights , and those of your elderly parent , to State benefits , pensions and special concessions and allowances can be explained , as well as ways in which you may apply for grants and other forms of help in some circumstances from various voluntary organisations .
5 Some dealers at various firms would sell specific USM stocks on the account immediately after they had bought enormous quantities of the same shares for themselves .
6 I conclude with some remarks about various points of view in moral philosophy which bear on the claims of the attitude theory .
7 Participants at the " peace summit " thus included only the ANC 's main rival , the Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Party , and some representatives from various minority groups .
8 He was rumoured to own upwards of a dozen such houses in various parts of East Oxford , all let on short leases to students or teachers , in addition to his own home in Divinity Road .
9 Attempts have been made to assimilate such meanings to various pragmatic concepts , for example pragmatic presupposition ( Keenan , 1971 ) , or , as we shall find in the next Chapter , conventional implicature .
10 Japan has about 40 such buildings of various sizes being built or completed .
11 The rules which apply to such flights in various European countries differ quite widely .
12 After arriving in office as Taoiseach for a second time in 1983 , he proceeded to collect opinions on such issues from various quarters .
13 Havel 's remarks followed a series of such incidents in various parts of the country , especially North Bohemia .
14 Since a nonprofit organization exists to render services , users of its financial statements are interested in how much services of various types were performed .
15 Also present at these meetings in various London clubs and restaurants were representatives from employers ' organizations , who recognized that to influence the Policy Unit was to influence the Prime Minister : if a minister proved unavailable , unsympathetic or intractable , they could outmanoeuvre him by enlisting Policy Unit support .
16 Literary scholars have begun to pose these questions of various national literatures .
17 The adult will usually accompany these questions by various manipulations of the materials .
18 The effects under each of these headings of various possible Community rules for energy taxation would then be quantified drawing both on existing research and available data , and , where appropriate , making use of tax policy simulation models for the UK and other member states being developed under a SPES project coordinated from IFS .
19 All subjects were tested on tasks in which they had to sort cards bearing these letters in various ways .
20 The process of management and the functions of management have been analysed many times in various ways by different writers , who have taken the view that :
21 After many months of various Balkan wars , Misha Glenny ( ‘ Bosnia means more bad news for Balkans ’ , 17 April ) is trying hard to apportion the blame ‘ even-handedly ’ and blur the difference between villains and victims .
22 Although the coverage is not comprehensive , and many reviews on various aspects of cage hydrocarbon chemistry are available , to my mind the real value of this book lies in the ideas that it generates , the insights into the chemical developments it provides , and the historical connections that it reveals .
23 If the long and complex passage of Athenaeus 6 ( 273a–275b ) , which Felix Jacoby gives as fragment 59 , can be considered a trustworthy summary of Posidonius ' views about Roman civilization , two features emerge : ( a ) the Romans preserved for a long time their extreme simplicity of life ; ( b ) in that long period they learnt many techniques from various foreigners ( Greeks , Etruscans , Samnites and Iberians ) and their constitutional principles from the Spartans .
24 Many leaders of various churches have voiced dismay at the Government 's original proposals for the closure of may coal mines , now under review .
25 It has been my pleasure to meet many members at various functions and both Mary and I look forward to meeting many more of you during the coming year .
26 The Saturday Review in its now usual vein commented that although they were ‘ all men of various claims to distinction ’ , they hardly appeared competent to examine and assess the baffling array of entries with which they were to be confronted .
27 Among many high-level tasks , he drafted an Appeal to the League of Nations on minority rights , and made many approaches to various government authorities through a wide range of memoranda , petitions and similar appeals .
28 He was well known at the Maze Races where he took part in many heats with various friends , including Edward Wakefield , the Quaker from Moyallon .
29 He remained there long enough to draw many camp-followers of various kinds , including several of the merchants of Shrewsbury , who had an interest in the supply of gear and provisions , and smiths and other craftsmen who could pick up lucrative jobs among the armouries .
30 There will be more arguments about what goes into programmes — more antennae into various parts of the community under-reported at present — less consensus about what is news .
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