Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [adv] along " in BNC.

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1 He says the victim was walking to her home just a few minutes away along a very busy street .
2 The resort 's elegant boutiques , restaurants and amusements are just a few steps away along the promenade and the sandy beach is across the main road .
3 As far as we know , they all used two or three microphones spaced some yards apart along the front of the orchestra , a technique favoured by American engineers to this day .
4 It 's only a few miles further along the road . ’
5 Their house was too small to put us up so we stayed in a new motor camp a few miles further along the road , in Portobello ( odd to get all these Edinburgh names , 12,000 miles away ! ) .
6 The cliffs of Lizard Point offer worthwhile easier climbs such as Sirius ( Severe ) , but some miles further along the coast are bigger and more serious ramparts of soapstone at Vellan Head , where Hidden Buttress has distinctly Gogarth-like qualities .
7 Looking at the behaviour of costs as we increase all outputs proportionately along the ray we have a picture like figure 2.5a .
8 He made two more soundings further along the bank and got the same result for both .
9 It was found that the heatflow , or rate at which heat is moving upwards through the Earth 's crust , is several times higher along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge than on the ocean floor on either side .
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