Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] that gave " in BNC.

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1 Although it looked completely different , it was this truck that gave me the concept for ‘ MiniMag ’ , the 27ft ( 8m ) articulated truck that we used for Mrs Thatcher 's open-air meetings in the 1987 election .
2 It was this provision that gave rise to the loophole sought to be exploited by B.C.C.I. depositors .
3 It was probably this practice that gave rise to the popular image of witches flying on broomsticks .
4 Another episode that gave him much reassurance was the time when Kate invited him in for tea at the Rectory .
5 Another reform that gave schools an incentive to save money was the passing to schools of control over their own budgets .
6 All Connor did was to add a preservative to this enzyme that gave it a few months ' shelf life .
7 It was this self-evidence that gave authority and courage to Posidonius to speak out to remind the Roman rulers of their errors and misdeeds .
8 That was another thing that gave her pleasure ; to listen to Ben playing his whistle .
9 Maybe I secreted some hormone that gave the average Tellenorean a violently unpleasant feeling .
10 Maybe she had finished with sexual intercourse for ever , maybe it was this possibility that gave her this peculiar conviction of strength , this sense of invulnerability , of certainty , of power .
11 None of the writers realized that the Cubism of this date relied on a balance between abstraction and representation to achieve its effects , and that it was this balance that gave each work a significance on more levels than one .
12 Our negativity may have sent the fire brigade on strike , or even made them uncouple their hoses from that hydrant that gave all that lovely , cool life-giving water that would have quenched the fire and instead couple them to the nearest petrol tank .
13 To get that appointment that gave you that one sale .
14 It was propped against the end-post of a break in the wall , the same break that gave on to the cottage steps which Forester had passed before .
15 The solution of the Cadiz liberals for the colonial desire for self-government was the concession of full political rights to American citizens within a unified empire ; the colonies were an integral part of metropolitan Spain and would be ‘ freed ’ , with the same constitution that gave Spain herself freedom .
16 Any news that gave me a chance to see her again was good news .
17 Any edge that gave me would not last for long , and if I was going to protect my client , if she was my client , I 'd better get on with it .
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