Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] of personal " in BNC.

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1 Even though one would probably not question the desire to minimise psychological distance , since most students are highly motivated and continue to attend courses for very long periods , it is clear that there is little loss of personal identity and very little contact with deaf people .
2 On the other hand we also proceed on the assumption that we have some measure of personal access to others if the occasion unexpectedly requires it and vice versa .
3 Helen , could you call this kind of personal recollection about furnishings a type of alternative history , perhaps like oral history ?
4 Information providers should develop some level of personal contact with managers , if they are to be regarded as trusted sources .
5 ‘ I also liked the idea of producing images of people in the public eye which do n't adhere to the unwritten rule of portraiture — that you 've got to make some kind of personal comment about the sitter , capture their essence , if you like — which , at twenty four , I did n't feel particularly qualified to do .
6 But joy of joys , the New Moon in Scorpio on the 29th and some stunning planetary aspects in early November should spark off some kind of personal revival and no matter how many times you have been let down or left in the lurch in the past , emotionally this can and ought to be one of the happiest times you have ever known .
7 Heaven knows why , but numerous other GTi drivers seem to see us as some kind of personal challenge .
8 Johnson thought they ‘ remained convinced that the umpires were on some kind of personal mission to upset them ’ .
9 Such a cleric has long recognised that his personal belief is not the same thing as historical evidence , and he has effected some kind of personal reconciliation between the two — a reconciliation which , to a greater or lesser degree , manages to accommodate both .
10 More often , their fanaticism is explained in term of some kind of personal deficiency .
11 Get some kind of personal animosity against Moses ?
12 It too easily discards the spiritual dimension of human experience as attributable to some kind of personal or social pathology and it creates a taboo a bit like the one there used to be about sex .
13 It 's some kind of personal statement .
14 At this level of personal and intimate experience there is little competition from other observers ; only a handful of people in the world will ever see all the works in a catalogue raisonné .
15 A hairline distinction exists between this description of personal experience and the evaluation of a work .
16 If this were so in the present case , he concealed the fact with remarkable aplomb ; but my impression was that he rather welcomed this degree of personal contact , as if it provided some sort of relief from the heavy intellectual conversation repeatedly forced upon him .
17 Personal knowledge always implies some degree of personal commitment to truth .
18 Although there is a risk that life can become too self-contained and claustrophobic , farmers nevertheless find it easier to inspire some degree of personal loyalty among their workers and allow the class animosities of the occupational community to be vastly reduced .
19 This separation of personal and academic studies from classroom-based activities is reflected in the courses which are offered .
20 Her remark had been in bad taste , she acknowledged , but that was no reason for him to lay into her with yet another string of personal insults , all dished out in that patronising way that got her blood heated to boiling-point .
21 This sort of personal experience adds a potent deterrent effect to more objective considerations which may already be swaying lenders against a particular group or class of potential customers .
22 This documentation of personal responsibility could , in my opinion , be an important factor in coming to grips with the current system of punitive damages sought from auditors for alleged negligence .
23 Some realignment of personal goals is inevitable .
24 This tale of personal resolution is saved from saccharine overkill by Byrne 's fine , tortured performance , the children 's refusal to be cute and an almost lyrical conjunction of the young boys ' hidden feelings of neglect and their father 's coming to terms with his bereavement .
25 This sense of personal identity depends essentially on memory , but a sense of the past could only have arisen when man consciously reflected on his memories .
26 She called for much more effort to be made to provide an aesthetic environment where some sense of personal identity and dignity is preserved .
27 It should be clear from the previous chapters that although I still had some sense of personal identity when I became anorexic , I simply did not have the opportunity or know-how to form an Eriksonian ego identity .
28 Without some sense of personal identity , the wilful manoeuvres of the anorexic would not be possible : either suicide or madness might prove a better ‘ choice ’ of solution to the individual 's problems .
29 However , there is a danger that parents who can not raise their children appropriately , or find a job , or provide sufficient income to support their family , or whose children engage in delinquent activities , are seen as having some form of personal failing or character weakness .
30 That speakers do introduce what they want to say via some form of personal reference has a noticeable effect on the structure of contributions in conversational discourse .
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