Example sentences of "[vb past] turned [adv prt] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She was the largest ship to enter Sharpness Docks since the war , and many local people had turned up to watch her berth .
2 A month earlier the government was startled to learn that the Soviet defence minister , Marshal Dmitri Yazov , had turned up to inspect his troops in the east without telling the Germans .
3 Mary had begun to visit her regularly on Friday mornings — with Mr Fenton 's express approval and the Christian support of her mother — when she was about fourteen — at about the time her father had begun to use her in the Fish and Budworth had turned up to sketch his mischief .
4 ROYAL baby doctor Sir George Pinker arrived for a quiet lunch yesterday — to find Princess Diana and 1,000 other people had turned up to honour him .
5 Or imagine the scene at a Labour Conference about fifty years ago if a certain Oswald Mosley had turned up to see his former party colleagues .
6 The first Sara had known of Adam 's injury was when she had turned up to collect him at the school gate .
7 The sources said almost all the documents which had turned up appeared to have gone missing before the 1988 change .
8 In answer to Grant 's summons , Larsen had turned up accompanied by ten well muscled companions .
9 Fenella told me , breathily and all excited , that they were going to operate and we 'd all have to leave , but it was all right really because Salome 's mum ( who was ever so nice ) had turned up having been called by Frank and was in there talking to the surgeons .
10 Joan had turned round to take a last look at the prince .
11 It seemed that most villagers had turned out to welcome their hero as more than 100 cars filled the field adjacent to Gaselee 's Saxon Lodge Stables .
12 Thousands had turned out to watch , and Group Four crossed the line to win the final leg .
13 Two of the doors she had forced had turned out to open the other way , and to be cupboards containing piles of bedclothes , folded .
14 ‘ Our people are more cocky and believe they are winning ’ , wrote MacDonald after 7000 people had turned out to celebrate May Day in his Leicester constituency .
15 Some 1,500 traders , industrialists and self-employed artisans , out of 1,700 eligible , had turned out to vote .
16 Look how readily the thousand had turned out to besiege the laird at Castle Menzies !
17 The lads had turned out to hear their lads .
18 Nothing in the South Ronaldsay community would approach normality for a very long time , and most people from the village and the surrounding community had turned out to discover for themselves what was happening , and then to lend their support to the stricken families .
19 Initial reports that the local garrison of the ( Serb-dominated ) Yugoslav People 's Army had turned out to assist the Knin insurgents proved to be false ( on Aug. 14 Serbian National Council leader Jovan Raskovic had called for army protection should the referendum be prevented ) .
20 She had been in her cottage waiting for the return of Tom and Carrie when a villager ran past shouting news of the fire and she had turned out to help .
21 Presumably his companion had turned back to try to get help .
22 He had turned back to help someone else out of the train , but at the sound of her calling , he swung round and stood waiting , his arms outstretched and his face , above that dear and familiar gingery beard , creased with the broadest smile .
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