Example sentences of "[vb past] round [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 At 10.00 pm the Corporal came round to check that we were all present and in bed before turning the lights out and leaving us to sleep .
2 ‘ I think you gave me one too , ’ I said , then , very gingerly , I straightened up and twisted round to see that Murder Cay was far behind us and well out of machine-gun range .
3 He turned round to find that Morpurgo had not moved .
4 Laidlaw stopped outside Room 4 , glanced round to see that nobody was about , then knocked twice .
5 He screamed some incoherent threat , and I honestly looked round to check that I was n't on a film set .
6 He spun round to see that a skeletal branch from one of the bushes beneath the hall window had been blown against the pane .
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