Example sentences of "[vb past] around for a " in BNC.

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1 Blanche 's question woke Dexter from his reverie and he cast around for a photograph of Nicola in the room .
2 He cast around for a chair , shoved some papers aside with a foot and perched on the edge of an armchair .
3 Smiling awkwardly , he cast around for a topic of conversation that was n't personal and had difficulty in finding one .
4 I wandered around for a bit and then came back again .
5 Then I wandered around for a while , casting wistful glances at my tables .
6 I wandered around for a while , in a bit of a daze , and then strolled back here .
7 Having escaped from their field , two goats wandered around for a while until they found themselves in a rubbish dump .
8 He wandered around for a while and ran into a few of the household busy with their duties .
9 He wandered around for a couple of hours having chats with any of the old fellows who were around the place . ’
10 I got on before I could change my mind and we bounced around for a few minutes .
11 I dawdled around for a while and then headed south .
12 She squirmed around for a better view of it .
13 We actually got the rigging up and sailed around for a while in twos — I was with my brother and I thought we managed quite well .
14 She unstrapped the harness , and glanced around for a spot to hide the acres of silk canopy .
15 He bumbled around for a bit , trying to coil up the string and push the wood into tidy heaps .
16 While Lisabeth was mainlining Cadbury 's Bournville I rummaged around for a sports bag ( one that advertised Marlboro fags , naturally ) and began to pack a spare everything .
17 Stewart stayed with him for about an hour and a half and Lamb hung around for a while , but Smith was his main ally and , as the day ebbed away , it seemed as though only the new ball stood between England and a draw .
18 I hung around for a while … now I come to think of it , I walked a short way along the path , looking for him . ’
19 She hung around for a while , looking aimlessly into the shop windows , wondering if she should go and have a coffee in the Franz Joseph , just in case he was there .
20 She fiddled around for a while , and cursed and muttered before she managed to get one detached .
21 Stormed around for a few days , lobbied as hard as I could and got on with my job .
22 Alice loitered around for a while , and no one came in or out , and she could not see Comrade Andrew through the downstairs windows , for the curtains were drawn .
23 I felt around for a switch and threw it down to reveal a stone staircase with iron handrail .
24 Gunga drove off over the bridge as I looked around for a suitable spot to get some practice in .
25 Charles looked around for a suitable candidate and nudged , no doubt , by a couple of doting grandmothers , found Lady Diana Spencer .
26 She looked around for a blunt instrument .
27 Not surprisingly , everyone looked around for a similar opportunity .
28 In this climate , shrewd and sensitive individuals with an instinct for self-preservation looked around for a partner and pair-bonded .
29 He looked around for a cab .
30 Ruth surveyed the freshly-turned earth and looked around for a flower she could place on the grave , but it was the last day of December and there was nothing in bloom .
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