Example sentences of "[vb past] close to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was a catch in Anne 's voice and she seemed close to tears .
2 Instead , she seemed close to tears .
3 He seemed close to tears .
4 The ideal of providing an adequate and satisfying secondary education for all ( and not just for the few who were fortunate enough to be able to pass a selection test at 11 ) seemed close to realisation .
5 When Izzie came and sat next to him , she seemed close to crying .
6 Thus in the winter of 1948 – 49 — as fighting resumed between Israel and the Arabs — Britain seemed close to intervention on behalf of Egypt .
7 The two rivals ' remarks came as attempts to negotiate a truce in the bitter struggle between parliament and Mr Yeltsin 's executive seemed close to collapse .
8 Funny thing , I felt close to Connie , yet I 'd never laid eyes on her .
9 He felt close to despair .
10 I felt close to tears to think he doubted my word .
11 ‘ I always felt close to Freddie in the studio , whether he was there or not , because we worked together so intensively over the years .
12 I always felt close to Freddie in the studio , whether he was there or not , because we worked together so intensively over the years
13 He felt close to Creed .
14 Rubberneck , for the first time of his life ( he no longer wished to be a part , not when people fought as animals ) , felt close to God .
15 The girls were now too close to their exam , too anxious to do more than lift their faces to him , but out of the tiredness and filth of lime he could be seen looking often at their heads bent over the lamplit pages in what looked close to melancholy and sunken reflection .
16 He looked close to collapse , but Marie felt no pity for him .
17 The south-east lay close to Macedon , across the Adriatic Sea .
18 As the Earl lay close to death , they called in a clergyman to rid 16th Century Althorp House of the phantom .
19 Her grandmother lived close to Chernobyl and received a large dose of radiation — she died within the year .
20 The old lady sounded close to tears .
21 One of Malawi 's most active exiles sounded close to desperation this week .
22 William remained close to Edward II after his accession , being retained as part of the king 's household ; and in 1310–11 he was sent to Gascony as one of English commissioners at the process of Perigueux .
23 Except for a brief period in September and October when prices threatened to fall to below $400 , platinum remained close to $500 an ounce for much of the year .
24 He stood close to Rebus , looking down on the smaller man , fixing him in the eye .
25 Someone appeared in the doorway and stood close to Hepzibah , as if for protection .
26 Sally sat close to Edward on the bench seat and he drove with one arm around her , somehow managing to change gear with his right hand .
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