Example sentences of "[vb past] gone [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd gone on into a book-lined room which appeared to be in use as an office , and she was placing the shotgun along with two others in a locking steel cabinet .
2 And then , after I 'd gone round to Tesco 's I went to see to collect grandma to take her to the train .
3 As the boat had come round the point they 'd gone up on deck .
4 ‘ I knew she 'd gone up to Jack 's — she always does now if he 's alone , makes no secret of it .
5 ‘ I 'd gone up to Ethel 's sister to cheer her up because she was looking so miserable .
6 No , he 'd gone up to the traffic lights and this cyclist sort of like cycled up , jumped off his bike and wheeled it round the corner so he
7 how much was n't held until after I 'd gone up for the money for Matthew 's back .
8 And when we 'd gone along fifteen kilometres we 'd gone up by four point eight metres .
9 Er , no , no , we were , I mean last night we 'd gone up from the week before on a rave , we 'd had about si ninety in , and last night we had about two hundred and fifty .
10 You 'd gone up in , oh yes .
11 He 'd gone over to the hedge that ran along each side of the white lodge and he 'd sat down .
12 When they 'd gone through into the lecture hall , I noticed the professor staring after them with a very odd look on his face — a stunned , frozen look .
13 You know and if you 'd seen the size of the temple there were thinking well , come on , and the trouble that they 'd gone through over their history to establish er a capital city with a temple as the main feature , they were not happy about him saying that .
14 The floorboards had n't snapped , as I 'd originally thought : they 'd gone down into the dock with Harry .
15 I 'd 've been quicker if I 'd gone down into Brentwood , picked up the M twenty five and gone on the A one M
16 Pat : He was six months old and I 'd gone down for his second immunisation and I mean the doctor I went to see was a family doctor — I 've known him since I was a baby — and he just , he was looking at him and he just said , ‘ Is your husband Chinese ? ’
17 The day I came here I 'd gone down to Age Concern — I used to go there for meetings and bingo — and I told them I was n't stopping because I 'd no money .
18 He said you 'd have no idea where to start and , in any event , he had bribed two shepherds to say I 'd gone down to Foxton Mire .
19 He 'd gone down to Atlanta to watch the Democratic Party select its presidential candidate , and at night he went dancing .
20 ‘ We 'd gone down to the Net , the day it happened .
21 Perhaps he 'd gone down to Somerset to see his mother .
22 She 'd gone down to the seashore with the dogs and there he 'd been , following her .
23 and he was let out and first , within twenty four hours he 'd gone down to the South Coast and killed his mother and his girl friend
24 She 'd gone back into the house to fetch something and his Dad was all ready in the car waiting to drive Uncle Walter back to his house .
25 He 'd gone back into the hotel , trying to act casually , and had hovered in reception looking at the magazines in the hardcovers , watching the man explaining to the people in the hut and coming back inside , which confirmed Cormack 's suspicions .
26 He 'd gone back to his stew , and silence .
27 He liked his porter , but if he 'd gone back to the stable …
28 If he 'd gone back to Zimbala it would have brought disgrace on the family .
29 We 'd gone back for something for them to do something to it , it is the Metropolitan .
30 did you hear what I said , I think your , I do n't know if you 'd gone back in the house when I said , I 'll prepare , I 'll prepare the dinner
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