Example sentences of "[vb past] called [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 He 'd called her a Burrows whore , a soulless hag .
2 She did not care that he 'd called her a whore .
3 Someone once told him that horse manure in his wellington boots would make him grow taller , but the boys at school had made fun of him and Mr Sunderland , the headmaster , had called him a stupid gullible boy and made him scrape his boots and wash them clean in the outside drain and scrub his feet in hot water and carbolic soap .
4 His classmates had called him a sissie because he had never dared to dirty himself by climbing a wall or joining in any of their rough-and-tumble games .
5 Gary could remember with utter clarity the first time that some other kids had called him a Spade .
6 Edward could not be typical of his friends , but I remembered that Clive had called him a friend to verse , and that he had read my work .
7 Louise at the height of their row had called him a shit .
8 Rufus had called her a waif and Adam had immediately ridiculed this word , said it was a romantic novelist 's word , so they had looked it up in Hilbert 's Shorter Oxford Dictionary and found illuminating things .
9 Berserk with rage , he had called her a slut and worse and demanded the name of the father .
10 He had called her a princess , and vowed that she was every bit as beautiful as her mother , and he would n't know ( such would be his terrible dilemma ) where to bestow his heart .
11 Mrs Abigail , she 'd told Lavinia , had called her a fool that morning just because she dropped a tin plate when they were doing Meals on Wheels .
12 Often there would be some drama : Razia , the loudest and most ebullient of Chaman 's chelas would be wringing her hands and weeping because her new boyfriend had gone off to Ajmer or because Chaman had called her a tart or because her pet goat had gone missing ; she always suspected her neighbours were planning to slaughter it .
13 She was so vulnerable to him that part of her was already accepting that defeat was inevitable , that only Luke could be the one to end their affair , but at the same time pride was demanding resistance , refusing to submit to the humiliation of a physical surrender to the man who had called her a liar , accused her of infidelity — the man who had hurt her so badly .
14 That was why he had called her a witch .
15 She had wanted to stay with her brother , but he had called her a child , he had referred to Tallis as the woman whom he loved , and Morthen had taken both statements to her young heart .
16 He had called her a leprechaun , thought she must have Irish blood in her .
17 No one had called her a leprechaun before .
18 In a frank interview with the Mail on Sunday , Becky Blandford said that the Duke had called her a ’ filthy little scrubber ’ after she posed in lingerie for Tatler magazine … and complained that she and Jamie had not once been invited to dinner at the Palace even though they live on the estate .
19 Fleming had called it a ferment , or enzyme , but that did not take matters very far , and gave no hint of what it might ferment , or of what substance it attacked in susceptible microbes .
20 I had called it a ‘ wee bridal veil ’ — obviously foxed by the scale .
21 Nether Stowey — usually known in Coleridge 's day , and since , simply as Stowey — had called itself a town for as long as anyone could remember , but by the late eighteenth century it was in reality no more than a large , straggling village whose inhabitants numbered fewer than six hundred .
22 She had called herself a drab .
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