Example sentences of "[vb past] i [modal v] come " in BNC.

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1 I found I 'd come to the Wetherden Mapole , and there was a chap there with his horses .
2 But you assumed I 'd come in answer to your advertisement .
3 I reckoned I 'd come back midday and have a look over everything , but I do n't think there 'll be anything missing .
4 ‘ I decided I 'd come home early tonight .
5 ‘ I felt I should come and ask you — ’
6 ‘ I never dreamed I 'd come back to find you at the head of a company .
7 I gasped — and I knew I must come up somehow .
8 I knew I 'd come to the right place .
9 ‘ I knew I 'd come to the right place . ’
10 How could you leave me when you knew I 'd come for you ?
11 You knew I 'd come , did n't you ? ’
12 You knew I 'd come here one day , did n't you ? "
13 You knew immediately that Jancey had stuffed these guys into her flat because she knew I 'd come for a showdown , and it had to be tonight .
14 and he 's been and gorrit , he 's took his half and it 's going , i cos I thought I 'll come to your house and tell you in front
15 When I gatecrashed your life I suppose you thought I might come in useful as some kind of antidote — but it did n't work . ’
16 Having taught English Literature for a long time in universities , on both sides of the Atlantic , and having spent some years pondering the questions raised in this book , I have come to some very tentative conclusions about what might be done ; they are not , I might add , of the kind I thought I would come to when I began working on it .
17 I was startled for a moment , as one does not have ex-Prime Ministers calling on one every day , but this was very like S.B. , who began , ‘ You will never come to see me , so I thought I would come to see you . ’
18 ‘ So I thought I would come round a little early , in case you needed advice .
19 ‘ You all look so attractive I thought I would come in and say hello .
20 She was quiet and calm , and did n't talk much ( I was supposed to do the talking ) and she said she thought I should come every week , and told me how much it would cost .
21 I was floating overhead — I was n't visible to the daleks and I thought I should come down and see what the Awful Warning was .
22 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
23 ‘ I thought I 'd come along and lend a hand , ’ he smiled at Maggie .
24 I thought I 'd come and see you tomorrow , if that suits you . ’
25 But I thought I 'd come round first , to help you open up and get things straight . ’
26 ‘ I thought I 'd come and stay here for a bit .
27 I just thought I 'd come up and speak to you about that .
28 Well , I daresay you thought I 'd come unstuck , when the new airport was n't built .
29 Anyway , I thought I 'd come back and be with you for the evening in case you were lonely . ’
30 I thought I 'd come and , you know , see you .
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