Example sentences of "[vb past] the only way " in BNC.

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1 Then it became the only way to work : shut mother out , shut out her demands , her outrages , concentrate , work .
2 You probably wo n't be surprised to learn then , that those past masters of glam-drag dressing-up , Marc Bolan and Adam Ant , are two of Justin 's heroes , whom he says came from ‘ an underground scene but realised the only way to put their music across , to really entertain people , is to get right out there in the main arena . ’
3 The canoe of Edwards and Mangnall — 200 miles to the west of the Commander — found the only way to escape the playful attentions of porpoises was to stop paddling .
4 Now Dr Winfield — and I have ratified this — made 127 sorties ; he could not have enjoyed his period at the Institute very much because he never seemed to he there , But he would come on a station with some project he wanted to fully research and he believed the only way to fully research these things was to " try them out on the dog " .
5 ‘ It seemed the only way to avoid a huge argument . ’
6 This exhibition had received little attention in the press , though l'Autorité and Paris Journal had referred to it as an ‘ exhibition of Fauves and Cubists ’ no doubt through a confusion of terms , but also partly because this seemed the only way of describing the manifold tendencies represented , which were as divergent as at Brussels .
7 Maybe he figured the only way to get her off his back was to confess .
8 SAVE therefore decided the only way forward was to establish a new independent trust to take on the task of urgent major repairs .
9 Magdy Yacoub was summoned , and decided the only way to save the man would be to boost his heart with part of a cardiac support system that Yacoub borrowed at an international congress last October .
10 ‘ I decided the only way to come back was with a fresh new look , ’ she said .
11 Thus while the new generation of ‘ modern ’ biologists was stressing the importance of pure morphology , governments were becoming interested in field studies because these offered the only way of monitoring the increasingly obvious changes in natural populations .
12 Now that feudalism had collapsed , taking with it the traditional form of power , the great lairds had better make themselves rich , he believed , and land and its development offered the only way forward .
13 He says there should be more work done by local government providing a network of cycle routes — but we felt the only way to make progress on this paritcular section was to do it ourselves .
14 The princess said children often felt the only way out was ‘ to become invisible ’ and leave .
15 ‘ So I knew the only way to get you running was to start moving . ’
16 We knew the only way we could get in and take up our positions on the roof was by arriving early .
17 Hauser thought the only way to keep his top men on their toes was to play one off against the other : to hint now and again someone else was after ; their job .
18 If I was a man and I thought the only way to get my jollies was by coughing up for a woman 's veal in a sorrel coulis , I would be suicidal .
19 Eventually I thought the only way I could control what I was doing was to decide on one specific charity — I chose Muscular Dystrophy — and work just with them , which is what I did .
20 So , it was , it was , I , a as soon as I knew I 'd be teaching this I thought the only way
21 ‘ He took the only way out he thought was best . ’
22 I asked my neighbour to turn down her records as I found it impossible to concentrate and she said the only way she could cope with the stress of her reality was to blast her music .
23 Refusing to condemn the bombing , Mr Adams yesterday said the only way to end the violence was for everyone to be involved in the talks process .
24 Deputy editor Matthew Symonds said the only way the move could be economic was if one of The Times 's rivals was forced out of business .
25 She said the only way you could another way you can cut your costs , he said , is , is that due to all these drivers he said , you 've got it you 've virtually got any driver on this car said just just have it you and yo , and your wife he said , and that 'll cut your costs down enormously .
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