Example sentences of "[vb past] been approve [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As expected , Houphouët-Boigny 's candidacy had been approved without debate in the course of the ninth PDCI congress , held in early October .
2 By 1986 UDGs worth £78 million had been approved for 177 projects , with a public-to-private-sector ratio of 1:4.5 .
3 On Nov. 24 , 1989 , legislation had been approved for the equal legal protection of public and private property and for the abolition of social adjustment centres .
4 The International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) announced on Jan. 6 that financing had been approved for Pakistan , to be made available immediately , totalling SDR231,700,000 ( about US$325,000,000 ) .
5 Mr Coetsee said a warrant would also be issued for the arrest of Captain Dirk Coetzee , the former head of a police murder squad who confirmed and amplified Nofomela 's disclosures , claiming that the killings had been approved at the highest level .
6 The legislation had been approved at a single sitting of the NLA on April 15 .
7 The termination of the Temporary Provisions and the constitutional reforms had been approved on April 22 at a special session of the National Assembly , the sole branch of government with the power to amend the Constitution .
8 Fujimori stated , however , that the loan had been approved on July 29-30 and would be repayable over four years with one year 's grace .
9 The move , announced jointly by Ramos and the governor of the Central Bank , Jose Cuisia , had been approved on Aug. 7 .
10 The June 26 measure had been approved despite an attempt by ethnic Albanian deputies in Serbia to have them discussed by the Kosovo Assembly .
11 Official figures were that 2,876 had been approved as candidates by April 2 , including 52 women .
12 These provisions were strengthened in the 1982 Act which provided that no closed shop should be enforceable unless it had been approved by a clear majority of employees voting in a secret ballot .
13 Hall defended the action he had taken and proposed that ‘ during the recess , to look at the designs which had been approved by the judges , and endeavour to ascertain the expense of carrying them out ; but nothing further would be done until the House was informed on that point ’ .
14 At last December 's High Court hearing , Mr Maxwell , 36 , was held to have breached his duty as a director of BIM by signing forms for the transfer of five blocks of shares , worth about £580,000 , to Credit Suisse without obtaining an assurance the transfers had been approved by the BIM board .
15 Writing to the archbishop of York after the Council , he told him he could send only the ‘ headings ’ ( the Capitula ) of the decrees because he did not wish to circulate the fuller texts until they had been approved by those who were present .
16 In 1595 , she even refused to allow the publication of the predestinarian Lambeth Articles , although they had been approved by her favoured archbishop , John Whitgift .
17 The rhythm method had been approved by Catholic clergymen on the Birth-rate Commission as early as 1913 and in the 1930 Encyclical Casti Connubii .
18 The form of the proposed transfer had been approved by the building society .
19 The judge directed that the transfer was not to take place unless foster parents provisionally identified for W. had been approved by the local authority as foster carers .
20 They confirmed that the army 's request had been approved by the head of department but no , he was n't available to explain .
21 Mr Rees confirmed to the CCAUK conference that this form had been approved by trade associations representing various types of consumer creditor .
22 He explained that it had been approved by Bernard , which of course , by implying criticism of her husband , compounded his crime .
23 None of these changes were deliberate , but none had been approved by MCC .
24 He was lied to , conned into believing that the Bad Schwarzendorn operation had been approved by the Army .
25 The law on the currency reform had been approved by parliament the following day , while on Dec. 26 Yugoslavia 's first stock exchange had been set up in Ljubljana .
26 The amendment had been approved by the Jatiya Sangsad in June 1988 .
27 The ailing peace process had been revived by an Australian plan for large-scale UN involvement in Cambodia , which had been approved by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council in mid-January [ see pp. 37186-87 ] , who met again in New York to discuss this plan on Feb. 12-13 .
28 Altogether 117 political parties ( out of 207 registered parties ) had been approved by the SLORC to contest the elections , including the NLD , LDP and the National Unity Party — the sole legal political party until September 1988 .
29 The passion generated by the abortion issue , however , meant that such measures were bitterly opposed and few had been approved by the beginning of March 1990 .
30 Hungary 's emergency economic plan had been approved by the Orsággyülés in December 1989 [ see p. 37130 ] , since which time three small devaluations of the forint had reduced its exchange value by a total of 5 per cent .
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