Example sentences of "[vb past] at the open " in BNC.

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1 Carew glanced at the open ledger on the table .
2 Whether it was Millie 's infuriated strength that caused the woman 's grasp on the scissors to slacken , or that she changed her tactics and meant to direct the scissors towards the child 's face , could n't be known , but Millie grabbed at the open blades and , managing to twist them round , consciously or by accident drove one of the blades into the nun 's arm .
3 Erm , two possibles have come er h have appeared , both of whom er w say they would er , one is is an Appalachian dance group , called Just for Kicks , who I saw at the open
4 Getting into the driving seat , she laughed at the open curiosity on Joanna 's face .
5 Flavia looked at the open doors .
6 Mrs. Hennessy looked at the open suitcase .
7 While she was away , Conway looked at the open book on her seat .
8 That someone reached the landing and appeared at the open door of the bedroom .
9 Tilda 's six-year-old legs , in wellingtons caked with mud , appeared at the open hatch .
10 Nervously Meredith gazed at the open water ahead and then back at Venice , the minarets and bell-towers , the tall palaces just a distant unfocused blur in the morning mist .
11 Blue raincoat pointed at the open door , then went back to the car .
12 ELISABETH DANZIGER STOOD AT THE OPEN window and watched the gulls swoop round the house , fly straight out to sea and then drop suddenly for prey .
13 Robyn stood at the open door and glared furiously as he got into his car and reversed away .
14 She stood at the open kitchen window with her early cup of tea clasped in both hands , listening to the swish of the falling water and watching it gather in tiny globules on the tips of the leaves of the apple tree like crystal drops on a chandelier before sliding with a slow , regular inevitability on to the grass .
15 Sophie flushed at the open admiration in his eyes .
16 The doctor sat at the open window of the hut , from which position , without ever moving , he examined the passengers .
17 I sat at the open window and looked out on to the purple dark .
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