Example sentences of "[coord] if you ca " in BNC.

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1 There is no point in keeping exciting sounds if you do n't know what they are , or if you ca n't find them .
2 ‘ Obviously it 's a little late to prevent the damage now , but in future , remember , either cover up , or if you ca n't , stay out of the sun .
3 But be extra vigilant partcularly in terms of headache , vomiting , or if they 're irritable , or if you ca n't bring their temperature down by sponging down and Calpol .
4 But be extra vigilant partcularly in terms of headache , vomiting , or if they 're irritable , or if you ca n't bring their temperature down by sponging down and Calpol .
5 Now , And if you ca n't right now , then come away with me .
6 1 do n't believe you can solve the problem with the analysis made-easy approach : it is hard , and if you ca n't face that fact , you 've had it .
7 A good motto for the d-i-y enthusiast is : ‘ If you ca n't buy it , make it , and if you ca n't make it , have it made . ’
8 And if you ca n't tell me , please give me a sign .
9 And if you ca n't make it into the salon , you can STILL save money .
10 Shopping for floorcoverings has never been easier either ; all the major d-i-y superstores stock a huge range of sheet and tile materials ( plus all the tools and accessories you need to lay them ) , and if you ca n't find what you want there , you can always turn to specialist flooring suppliers for help .
11 I want her back at Mass next Sunday , and if you ca n't persuade her , then this belt of mine 'll have to do the talking ! ’
12 It is the only way the women of West Belfast are able to actually able to take on further education and if you ca n't stand up and fight for that then West Belfast is not working .
13 Right planners , now according to me this is for Thursday , next Thursday week t week one Thursday so homework for Thursday finish writing a list er whoever 's giggling will you calm down of things you believe are important do this in rough and I think we 'd better underline the next bit , bring it to the lesson now , quite seriously if you have only managed to get five or six items at the moment on your list that you think are important , that 's not enough , you really do need to be going for a minimum of ten , and if you ca n't then the next piece of work that we 're going to do in the lesson next week is going to be quite difficult .
14 and if you ca n't stay in the east , you want to stay in the east of the city ?
15 I 've done nothing to deserve all your vicious insinuations — neither with Richard , nor with Adam , and if you ca n't bring yourself to believe in me the least you could do would be to grant them some scrap of integrity . ’
16 I was born here , and if you ca n't see the magic of a sunrise without a pyramid on your head then I feel sorry for you . ’
17 And if you ca n't do it , er you know very often it , it , it shows itself in other ways , like people stamp their feet or they begin to shake with rage .
18 I felt a wee bit sorry for the driver — reindeer probably do n't drive like that — but this was London and if you ca n't stand the heat , leave the wheels at home .
19 Erm and all we ask is that if you if you 've said you 're coming to do a session , that you do actually turn up and if you ca n't then if you can telephone us as early as possible to let us know that you ca n't make it , that 's not a problem .
20 She 's worth a hundred of a woman like Suzanna , and if you ca n't see the difference you 're a fool ! ’
21 I am who I am , right now , this minute , and if you ca n't see who that person is — then to hell with you ! ’ she renounced and hobbled away to the nearest stool .
22 And if you ca n't afford a kite , you can always make your own , although it does n't necessarily guarantee a successful flight .
23 So I would recommend to you my big sister 's advice ‘ Detach with affection ’ And if you ca n't manage that , just detach .
24 And if you ca n't wait to taste them , you 'll be pleased to know that they can be defrosted in a microwave !
25 and if you ca n't replace it I mean we 've booked , we 've booked through , erm , Au August anyway , we 're definitely going in August to Southport
26 And if you ca n't organize yourself at work then it 's a ten to a penny that you ca n't organize the other bits either .
27 And if you ca n't stand the heat get out quick and come back to it .
28 after my second week he said I 'd got the gift of the gab or something and I always manage to wind people round my finger and always always get what I want and everything and I always took my way out of shit and I heard this from Matt , you can imagine how upset I was like on my I tell you er I heard about it on the field weekend cos I was here and Matt was here as well and , and I just thought my God I 've been friends with this bloke , we were having baths together when we were like two years old and , and I 've known him all my life and if you ca n't trust him well where does the , where , well you know , who can you trust ?
29 They have no choice at all , and we are in a most dreadful situation and government policy only has one choice and that 's you buy , and if you ca n't afford to buy , and at the moment only thirty five per cent of families in Oxford can afford to buy on the current wage levels and the current house prices , the other sixty five per cent have no choice whatsoever , so you know you 're talking nonsense to say we want consumer choice in housing .
30 I do n't know the exact figure , but certainly several million pounds , and if you ca n't find £300,000 for the disabled , it seems to me quite shocking .
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