Example sentences of "[coord] will remain so " in BNC.

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1 Kurt Hager , the 77-year-old chief party ideologue who first indicated changes were on the way , insisted in Moscow yesterday : ‘ The leadership is united and will remain so , even though people keep on trying to invent disputes . ’
2 The health service is financed almost entirely by the taxpayer and will remain so .
3 It is the last bastion against all these evils , and will remain so as long as it keeps acquiring books it does not have when they are found and brought to it .
4 That is their secret , and will remain so ; it behoves us not to pry , only to speculate in passing .
5 As I learned more of missionary work all over the world , I began to realise that there had to be a tremendous effort to help undernourished people to grow their own food for themselves , a task which is still tragically unfinished , and will remain so until the nations of the world , rich and poor , combine together to sacrifice a meagre percentage of their gross national product , which experts calculate to be necessary to abolish hunger in a generation .
6 So prices are inflated and will remain so until there is a steady flow of imported goods .
7 The world is what it is , and will remain so ; and you learn to live within it by adjusting yourself rather than it .
8 We tramp across the wet grass and bracken and plunge through the soaking undergrowth with Andy confidently predicting , with all the security of a man who knows his feet are dry and will remain so , that this bushwhacking through chest-deep and sodden vegetation will soon bring us to the crag .
9 These universally fatal chronic brain infections of mammals ( including humans ) are untreatable and will remain so until more is known about this unique agent .
10 William Beveridge showed more appreciation of the problems posed by the burden of women 's household tasks when he stated that the ‘ housewife 's job , with a large family is frankly impossible and will remain so unless some of what has now to be done separately in every home can be done economically outside the home ’ ( although he never failed to assume that the final responsibility for domestic work rested with women ) .
11 However , it may still be the case that higher damages will be awarded in the High Court and that enforcement procedures are better , and will remain so .
12 That is our policy and will remain so .
13 This country is in the first rank of the European Community and will remain so .
14 to obtain confirmation from the preparer of the advertisement and the issuer of the advertisement ( if other than the preparer ) that to the best of his knowledge and belief the facts contained in the advertisement are true and accurate and will remain so during the currency of the advertisement ;
15 It is understood that the companies set out in Schedule 2 , are , other than ABC GmbH and ABC Corp , wholly owned subsidiaries of ABC and will remain so at the time of the acquisition of ABC .
16 It quoted from the Pharmaceutical Journal , which had commented that CNAA degrees were to be comparable with those of the universities , and ‘ teachers in pharmacy are confident that this is , and will remain so ’ .
17 At present the use of colonic motility tests in clinical practice is limited and will remain so until normal ranges for colonic pressures can be defined and more effective treatments for the various motility disorders identified .
18 Despite all the fine statements that young people are the future of the country , they are still a disadvantaged group and will remain so until they are made a priority policy target .
19 The risks and benefits of adding intravenous heparin to aspirin and thrombolysis are unknown and will remain so until trials are done to address this question adequately .
20 However , the percentage of electrification in the Spanish system is much higher than in Britain and will remain so even after the completion of BR 's current major electrification project on the East Coast Main Line .
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